FIDI 65th Annual Conference Geneva

FIDI Conference Dress Code

Dress code is business throughout the conference and for all conference events, unless otherwise stated.

Business means, shirt, jacket, tie for gentlemen and business attire for women.

In Geneva weather can be warm or cold in the month of April, so choose your wardrode carefully. It is recommended to include a couple of sweaters just in case.

Please see below for a breakdown of dress codes per events.

FIDI 39 Club Sporting Activity - Curling:
Sporting attire:
     - Warm clothing with hat and gloves;
     - Clothes with easy mobility;
     - Sports shoes (no heels) - ideally with thick soles;
     - Layers also a good idea, this way you can judged based on your participation.

The activity takes place on and ice rinkl, so you can imagine it's quite cold, especially when you are on the ice. However avoid bulky clothes, as you will be moving around.

Presidents of the FIDI Associations Dinner with the FIDI Board:
     - Shirt, jacket, tie;
     - Business attire or cocktail dress for ladies.

FIDI Welcome Reception @ Batiment des Forces Motrices (BFM):
      - Shirt, jacket, tie optional;
      - Business dress or cocktail dress for ladies.

Women on the Move:
Business attire.

FIDI Golf Tournament:
Please wear appropriate/standard golfing attire on the course:
     - Shirts with collars; 
     - Tailored shorts or trousers;
     - Closed shoes with hard or soft spikes;
     - Men may wear shorts with long stockings or short predominantly white socks.

FIDI Charity Run:
Sporting attire:
     - Shorts or joggers;
     - T.shirt or comfortable running top;
     - Comfortable running shoes.

FIDI Sightseeing Tour:
     - Casual comfortable clothing
     - A fleece type jacket / windbreaker.

FIDI 39 Club Party at Le Chat Noir :
     - Smart casual.

FIDI Gala Dinner @ the InterContinental Geneva Hotel:
Formal dress:
    - Suit and tie (black tie optional) for gentlemen;
    - Evening dress or cocktail dress for ladies;
    - Of course traditional dress is most welcome as well.

A good guide to dress code can be found here.