AMGA Annual Conference - Orlando, FL
Friday, March 15, 2013
8:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.
Drive: What the Science of Motivation Can Teach You About High Performance

Daniel Pink, Best-Selling Author, Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us and A Whole New Mind

Daniel Pink, best-selling author of A Whole New Mind, uses four decades of behavioral research to reveal why the traditional approach to high performance backfires on most organizations. In a provocative and entertaining presentation, you will see how many common organizational incentives often go wrong—and can reduce both creativity and satisfaction on the job. You will learn that the people who do what they do because of enjoyment of the task itself routinely outperform those who are motivated by external rewards. With examples from cutting-edge companies and intriguing experiments around the world, Pink will reveal the three key ingredients of intrinsically-motivated high performers—and demonstrate how organizations can create contexts that tap our deepest motivations to produce the highest results. 

Saturday, March 16, 2013
8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Brave New World of Health Care Five Years Later
Moderator: Donald W. Fisher, PhD, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Medical Group Association

Panelists: Robert S. London, MD, National Medical Director, Walgreens; Rich Maturi, Senior Vice President, Premera Blue Cross; Robert E. Nesse, MD, Chief Executive Officer, Mayo Clinic Health System; and John Rother, President & CEO, National Coalition on Health Care

In 2007, AMGA presented a panel of stakeholders to respond to a presentation, “The Brave New World of Health Care.”  Now, over five years later, the landscape has indeed changed dramatically in many ways with the advances in technology, improvements in the delivery of care, and the introduction of new payment models in response to healthcare reform legislation.  AMGA has invited representatives from various stakeholders to participate in another panel discussion examining the current landscape and exploring ways to work together for better outcomes. Leading voices from various sectors―including patient advocates, insurers, providers, and employers―will weigh in on health care’s future direction. This is an expanded session to promote dialogue and allow for audience participation.

12:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m. 
Networking Luncheon with Guest Speaker
A Defining Moment: Seizing the Opportunities to Make a Dramatic Difference in Cardiovascular Health

Janet Wright, MD, FACC, Executive Director, Million Hearts Initiative, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Presented by AMGF's Measure Up/Pressure Down Campaign AMGA welcomes Dr. Wright from the HHS initiative, Million Hearts, a partner and supporting organization of Measure Up/Pressure Down, the American Medical Group Foundation’s national campaign to improve the health of our nation through high blood pressure prevention, detection, and control. 

3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
"Miracle on the Hudson" Hero Pilot; Contributor, CBS News and Bestselling Author, Patient Safety and Avoiding Crisis: What the Health Care Industry Can Learn from Aviation

Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, III

Aviation and medicine are both high-stakes professions with little margin for error. While aircraft accidents produce mass casualties that capture our attention, medical accidents occur one by one at a rate of nearly 200,000 per year, a mortality rate that would shut down the airline industry. Captain Chesley B. Sullenberger, best known for his miraculous water landing on the Hudson River in January 2009, will draw from his 43-year career as a pilot and safety expert to discuss how the lessons learned by the aviation industry can be applied to improving the safety, quality, and cost of health care.