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HOW Design Live 2015 Keynote Speakers
HOW Design Live 2015, Chicago design events

AIGA Medalist Alexander Isley first gained recognition as the senior designer at Tibor Kalman’s M&Co. He then served as art director of the funny and fearless Spy magazine.

In 1988 he founded Alexander Isley Inc., designing for “education, entertainment, and enterprise.” His clients include leading corporations, not-for-profit organizations, and museums.

Alex is past president of AIGA/NY. He is a member of AGI and a recipient of the NY Art Directors Club Herb Lubalin Award, the NEA International Design Fellowship, and the Federal Design Achievement Award. His work is in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution and the Museum of Modern Art.


Spreading Goodwill: Working with Large Non-Profits

Tuesday, May 5 • 3:00 – 3:45pm

Even the largest not-for-profit organizations, with their own dedicated design and marketing teams, often need outside help. Alexander Isley’s firm has worked with Goodwill, Girl Scouts of the USA, US Green Building Council, the 92st Y, The Chautauqua Institution, and the Robin Hood Foundation, among others, helping them spread their good word. In this presentation he’ll discuss ways of working hand-in-hand with in-house designers and management teams to provide something new, effective, and of value, showing examples of his firm’s work as case studies. The audience will learn: • An approach to working with existing in-house teams • How to best be of value within an existing organizational structure • The value of advance planning and getting buy-in • Developing a communication plan • Special concerns and pitfalls to avoid when working with cause-related organizations

3 Main Take-Aways:
  1. How to work with in-house design and marketing teams
  2. How to navigate the approval process
  3. How to determine tasks and responsibilities when they might be clearly articulated