CVSL Symposium 2015

Tipping the traditional healthcare organization on its side, the service line approach is leading the charge in creating a horizontal view of the delivery system. Learn how progressive programs are leveraging the alignment of physician and hospital organizations to create value for patients in the Cardiovascular service line. Transformative advancements in service line operations, financial management, governance and leadership will be shared by the country’s leading programs.

Whether you are from the hospital side and your growth strategy is through acquisition or you’re coming into the relationship from the practice side to run the service line or you are a forward thinking independent practice taking the lead in a co-management agreement, you need guidance and support to drive excellence in your organization. To be successful in this environment, senior leaders must redefine value through quality, efficiency and patient satisfaction.


The focus will be on transformative initiatives, both clinical and non-clinical. As opposed to hypothetical solutions, the program will provide real world examples of successful programs in all domains: clinical programs, operations, quality, financial, strategic/governance/organization.

MedAxiom leadership, staff and volunteer members develop the agenda several months prior to the conference and select and confirm speakers, panelists and presenters based on the topics chosen from the membership and key opinion and thought leaders from the industry or special business areas.

MedAxiom posts versions of the agenda as it is developed until a final agenda is completed. Keep checking back for updates on the agenda topics and speakers leading up to the event.

Click here to see the agenda. 

Click here to see the speakers.