AAIR Forum
Speakers Awards and Prizes

Best Paper Prize - $1000 Authors who submit a paper will be automatically eligible for the Best Paper Prize. All papers are blind peer reviewed by a nominated group of relevant referees with the paper receiving the highest score determined to be the award winner. The Best Paper Prize will be announced at the conclusion of the Forum. The prize is designed to assist the winner/s with travel to the US to present their winning paper at the AIR Forum.

Best Session
- $1000 This prize will be awarded to the best presentation or workshop at the Forum and will be judged by the Forum delegates. Data presentations will be available for delegates to download from the AAIR website at the conclusion of the Forum and speakers should ensure that their presentations do not include any information for which permission to publish has not been sought and granted.

Best New Presenter Award
- Participation in this program is open to people working in the area of institutional research who have not previously presented at an AAIR Forum. The award consists of payment of the registration fee for the next AAIR Forum and AAIR membership until the end of the following year. The costs of travel and accommodation must be met by the award recipient (or his/her institution).

To nominate for any of the above awards, please indicate your interest by completing the appropriate section of the online form. Applicants need not be a member of AAIR at the time of making the application.