AAIR Forum

All AAIR Forum tours are run through Rottnest Express. 
To make a booking please email kate@leishman-associates.com.au

Free 'n' Easy

Discover the secret side of Rottnest Island

With over 63 secluded beaches and 20 bays, a plethora of island activities and food options, Rottnest Island is a “must do” on any travelers itinerary.
Departure LocationsPerth Barrack Street Jetty
 Duration   6 - 8 hours
 Fare IncludesRottnest Island Admission Fee / Return transfers to Rottnest Island / Swan River Cruise with commentary Guided Introductory Walking Tour

 Free and Easy
 $109  $104  $55
 + Lodge Lunch     
 $144 $139  

Discover Rottnest

The complete tour of Rottnest Island…
Explore the beauty and tranquility of Rottnest as you relax in the comfort of an air conditioned coach.
This 90 minute circumnavigation of the island takes you out to some of Rottnest’s most spectacular locations and provides you with a complete interpretation of the island through passionate and knowledgeable crew.

This tour will provide you with an insight into Rottnest’s cultural and historical heritage, diverse wildlife and fauna and social heritage.  You will also have a chance to step outside and have a stroll along the boardwalk at the majestic look-out point at West End.

Departure LocationsPerth Barrack Street Jetty
Duration6 - 8 hours
Fare IncludesRottnest Island Admission Fee / Return transfers to Rottnest Island / Swan River Cruise with commentary / Guided Introductory Walking Tour / 90min Island Coach Tour

 Ferry and Coach Tour
 $141 $73
+ Lodge Lunch $181 $176 $88

Historic Rottnest

Guided Tour with Scenic Train Ride
Join us on the ‘Captain Hussey’ and enjoy the scenic train ride to picturesque Oliver Hill for a guided tour of the massive 9.2 inch diameter gun and tunnel system that forms part of Rottnest’s significant military heritage.

Departure LocationsPerth Barrack Street Jetty
Duration6 - 8 hours
Fare IncludesRottnest Island Admission Fee / Return transfers to Rottnest Island / Swan River Cruise with commentary / Guided Introductory Walking Tour / 90min Guns and Tunnels Tour

  Adult Conc. Child
 Ferry and Guns and Tunnels Tour
 $140 $135 $70
 + Lodge Lunch $175 $170 $85