Conference Objectives

As a result of attending the VON 3.0 conference, participants will be able to:

  • Leverage Kaiser Permanente’s organizational priorities and nursing strategy to optimize performance in the areas of quality, safety, patient-centered care, prevention, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Standardize and elevate nursing practice through the enculturation of the American Nurses Association (ANA) Scope and Standards of Practice, the ANA Code of Ethics, and the Kaiser Permanente professional practice model.
  • Translate challenges faced by nurses in all health care settings into viable solutions that promote authority, autonomy, and accountability in nursing.
  • Distinguish components of transformational leadership and know how to create a high-performing, engaging, empowering, outcomes-driven culture.
  • Understand how a shared decision-making structure increases efficiency, promotes professional nurse practice, and empowers nurses closest to the point of care to more positively impact organizational, staff, patient, and community outcomes.
  • Know how integrating peer feedback at all levels of nursing strengthens practice ownership, teamwork and professional relationships and quality/safety improvements.
  • Secure leadership support to provide sites the time and resources needed to communicate and implement the Voice of Nursing 3.0.