To get the most out of the intensive Storytelling lesson, our team has two assignments for you:

1) Pre-Event Homework Request: Please bring a small physical item to the storytelling training that represents the impact of your organization and/or its philosophy in some way. We'll be building a story about this item. For example, the item can be a photograph, a thank you letter, a symbolic gift, a key, a book, stuffed animal, ect. Get creative but don't overthink it! Pick whatever comes to mind and that is easy to travel with.
2) Pre-Event Video Watch: Considered one of the "Top 25 Most Watched Talks", this talk by Simon Sinek addresses "How Great Leaders Inspire Action". In his talk, Sinek introduces the concept of "the Golden Circle", which involves going beyond the simple "what" and the "how" our organizations do their work by conveying the "why" as an important means for moving people to action.