AAPG Europe Region Awards 2017 website
Tony has more than 40 years experience in the international oil and gas industry. Originally with supermajors based in The Hague, Houston and Perth (Australia) he worked on projects in the North Sea, Venezuela, Australia and the USA (onshore and offshore). Subsequently, he developed and delivered short courses with JAPEC and Actis Geoscience to inform engineers, IT specialists, politicians, bankers and lawyers about the industry. At the same time he was active in exploration in the Los Angeles and Paradox Basins.

In 1993 he switched emphasis to consult on shale gas plays in Texas, followed by work on the Bakken, Eagle Ford and Permian Basins commencing in 2003. He continues to advise committees in Washington DC and Vienna on energy policy.

Tony is a fellow of the Geological Society and Energy Institute and a member of the PESGB, SEG and EAGE. He has also served for many years on various AAPG committees and is an award winner of their House of Delegates.