WA Fundraising Forum - Putting it into Perspective
Click here to view the speakers biographies and session overviews.
Forum Program




8.00 - 8.30am



8.30 - 8.45am

Welcome & Introduction

Anne Smith EMFIA - Chair, WA Committee & Rob Edwards CEO FIA

8.45 - 9.30am

Opening Plenary - Key Note Address

David Flanagan - Chancellor Murdoch University

9.30 -10.15am

The importance of mulit-channel donor engagement

Andrew Sabatino MFIA - Young Fundraiser of the Year

10.15 - 10.45am

Morning Tea & Networking


10.45 - 12.30pm

Setting yourself apart - Telling your organisation's story

Sean Triner MFIA - Co-founder Pareto Fundraising

12.30 - 1.05pm
Lunch & Networking

1.10 - 1.55pm

Breakout Session 1



Room 1: Demystifying the structured gift

Ben Clark - Ausstralian Executor Trustees


Room 2: The "How To" Guide - Top 10 Tips for Success

Fiona Allen - UWA

2.00 - 2.45pm

Breakout Session 2



Room 1: Sponsorship - A Corporate Perspective 

Peter Rutter - Beyond Bank


Room 2: Emerging Charity Trends for Gen Y and Z

Paula Cameron - Marketforce

2.55 - 3.20pm

Afternoon Tea


3.25 - 4.10pm

Breakout Session 3



Room 1: Practical tips to help your bequest program

Christiana Stergiou MFIA - Scribbly Bark

Room 2
: The Art of Asking

Vicki Rasmussen FFIA CFRE - Charlies Foundation for Research

4.15 - 5.00pm
Closing plenary - what I've learned!
Sean Triner MFIA, Rob Edwards, Andrew Sabatino MFIA, Christiana Stergiou MFIA, Renae Loftus AMFIA, Lyn-Marie Hegarty, MFIA

5.00 - 6.00pm

Drinks & Networking


*Program subject to change