National Conference 2016

Thank you for making  the National Association for College Admission Counseling's 72nd National Conference A Success!
We hope to see you in Boston, Sept. 14 - 16, 2017

Keynote Speaker
Pat McGuire: Colleges Must Adapt to Serve Today's Students 
America’s students are changing, and colleges and universities must follow suit, education leader Patricia McGuire told attendees at NACAC’s 72nd National Conference in Columbus, Ohio. Read the speech.

Purchase Conference Recordings
Miss an educational session in Columbus? More than 100+ high quality recordings and 125+ hours of the latest ideas and best practices are available for purchase. These live recordings include audio along with synced presenter PowerPoints for a virtual recreation of the session. Order now.

Educational Session Materials Available Online
Handouts for some of the educational sessions are now available in the conference app and mobile website. We will continue to update these files as we receive them.

To access the session presentations, refer to the schedule by track and click on general education sessions located on the conference app and mobile website, then:
•    Choose the session block (A-G)
•    Choose the session
•    Scroll to the end of the session description. If available, the PowerPoints are listed under the heading “PDFs.”  
