2016_WoHIT (eSelect - to delete)


Our Social Media Ambassador Programme is now open for the new HIMSS Europe World of Health IT (WoHIT) Conference & Exhibition to allow social media influencers from the health IT space an opportunity to attend the conference in Barcelona, Spain for free and share the experience with their audiences and networks.

The Social Media Ambassador submission process is now open until November 1st 2016. To apply or do request more information please contact Paloma Nosten.

Those accepted will have the opportunity to:

  • Participate in social media events throughout WoHIT 
  • Serve a critical role in sharing discussions and discoveries from speakers and educational session dialogs throughout WoHIT
  • Meet and interact with HIMSS Europe executives and other experts from the WoHIT community
  • Publish minimum three blog posts on the HIMSS Europe blog regarding the main WoHIT topics.

Social Media Ambassadors will be given the same access as news media and professional bloggers, including access to the WoHIT Press Room, in an effort to align the experience of social media representatives with those of traditional media.


Applicants will be judged based on the below criteria:

  • Active use of multiple social networking platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.) and tools to disseminate health IT information to a unique audience
  • Ability to demonstrate an advanced, sophisticated awareness of social media engagement
  • Regularly produce new content on healthcare and health IT
  • Have the potential to reach a large number of people using digital platforms
  • Reach a unique audience, separate and distinctive from traditional news media
  • Have an established history of posting content related to health information management on social media platforms
  • Have previous postings that are highly visible, respected and widely recognised
  • Be onsite on 21-22 November 2016 to cover in real time the WoHIT's highlights

Please note: This programme is designed for individuals, rather than organisations or PR/communications representatives, to join and add value to the social conversation around health IT and WoHIT. Those selected will receive credentials at the bequest of HIMSS Europe, but individuals are responsible for their own expenses for travel, accommodations, and other amenities.

Some events and participants scheduled to appear at the event are subject to change without notice. HIMSS Europe and WoHIT 2016 are not responsible for loss or damage incurred as a result of attending.

Our Social Media Ambassadors

Stefan Buttigieg
Stefan Buttigieg
Specialist Trainee in Public Health Medicine,

Rafael Pardo Espino
Rafael Pardo Espino
Senior eHealth Consultant and R&D Manager,

Dr Frederic Llordachs-Marques, MD MBA
Cofounder at Doctoralia Internet & eHealth Manager at ACES, Spain

Maria Marenco
Maria Marenco
Independent Health Informatics Consultant,

Anna Niemeyer
Anna Niemeyer
Medical Doctor, and Independent eHealth Consultant, Germany

María José Mas Salguero
María José Mas Salguero
Consultant Child Neurologist and Independent eHealth Advocate,Spain

Jaime Del Barrio Seoane
Jaime Del Barrio Seoane
President Asociación Salud Digital,

Jaime Del Barrio Seoane
Danielle Siarri, MSN, RN
Nurse Informatics Specialist and Health IT Advisor for Ammende.info,

Evangelia Stavropoulou
Evangelia Stavropoulou
Strategic communication consultant focusing on digital health and patient advocacy, Greece/Turkey/UK