Violence Prevention Conference Abstracts
Violence Prevention Conference



We are seeking abstracts that focus on the primary prevention of violence against women. Primary prevention approaches seek to prevent violence before it occurs and address the key drivers of violence against women as identified in VicHealth’s research:


  • Unequal power relations between men and women
  • Adherence to rigid gender stereotypes
  • Broader cultures of violence

Proposals should specify the type of presentation being suggested, noting the following:

Oral Presentation
Duration: 25 minutes total, 20 minutes to present and 5 minutes question time

Poster presentation
Submit as a part of the same process for oral presentations. Must fit one standard (default) PowerPoint slide or A1 in printed format.

Abstracts should be submitted under one of the following themes:

       1. Understanding the extent and nature of violence against women

       2. Primary Prevention of violence against women

       3. Violence Prevention is Everybody's Business

We are interested in presentations about work from within and outside the Loddon Mallee region, that can build our shared knowledge about:
  • what the evidence is saying about what works
  • innovative approaches
  • project ideas we can build on in the region
  • models appropriate for specific settings or target groups
  • models that impact on systems and communities, beliefs, attitudes and behaviour


POTENTIAL TOPICS (this list is a guide and is not exhaustive):

• Progressing gender equity in the workplace.

• Bystander approaches.

• Workplace policy that prevents violence against women and supports women experiencing violence.

• The role of social institutions, the media, churches, schools and local government.

• Causes of violence against women (myths, why gender matters).

• Sexism and misogyny in society.

• The prevalence of violence against women in our community.

• Transforming social norms to prevent violence against women.

• Collaborative partnerships to prevent violence against women.

• Applying a cultural lens to violence against women.

• Engaging men and boys to stop violence against women.


The presenting author is expected to attend the conference and present the poster or oral presentation. Presenting authors of abstracts must be registered participants.

The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission. The presenting author should her/himself collect the co-authors’ consent.

Before you begin your online submission, please prepare the following information:

  • Presenting Author's Contact Details including email address, full postal address, daytime and mobile numbers
  • Presenting Author's biography - maximum 50 words
  • Author and Co-authors' Details including full first and family name(s), Affiliation details: department, institution/hospital, city, state , country.
  • Abstract – Limited to 300 words, including acknowledgements. (Please Note: word count is affected when graphs/tables/images are included, therefore do not include these in your abstract.) We recommend using word-processing software (for example, MS Word) for editing your abstract and counting the number of words.
  • Abstracts must be submitted in MS Word format i.e. .doc or .docx using the ABSTRACT TEMPLATE available HERE
  • Poster abstracts must be submitted as either a PDF or in a single standard (default) PowerPoint - .ppt or .pptx  
  • Use only standard abbreviations. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses next to the full word appearing first time in the text.
  • Abstract Category – Abstracts must be allocated to a specific theme. You will need to select the theme most suited to your abstract. The conference organising committee reserve the right to move abstracts between categories if deemed appropriate or necessary.
An abstract should summarise the important points of the proposed presentation and highlight the original content to be communicated. It needs to be concise but informative, containing an outline of the aims, methods, relevance, evaluation and conclusions of the work undertaken. Recommendations for policy development and future directions should also be provided.

Background and Aims - give the rationale for and broad objective of the study or project undertaken.

Methods - include design of the study or the approach taken, the setting (where) and participant numbers if appropriate.

Results – outline the specific outcomes or results, including numerical data rather than vague statements for quantitative studies, and significant findings of qualitative or descriptive studies.

Conclusions – Include knowledge or insight that conference attendees will gain from the presentation, explanation of how conference attendees can apply the skills and/or knowledge within their communities and how the study contributes to evidence-based knowledge.


Authors may submit more than one abstract

Abstracts should be no longer than 300 words and should be uploaded as a Word document (file name should be the same as the abstract title).

Submitting one or more abstract is no guarantee of a place in the conference program.

You will need to register for the conference.


Abstracts about successes in preventing violence against women and about work of a collaborative nature will be particularly welcome. 

Download the ABSTRACT TEMPLATE available HERE

SUBMIT your abstract HERE