Victorian Financial Counselling Conference 2015
Your Conference Hotel
Accommodation details

We are sorry, Peppers the Sands is now fully booked.

Other accommodation options

Additionally the Resort can offer the following on-site (close to the venue on the grounds) apartments and houses.

6 x 2-bedroom apartments @ $351 per night
9 x 3-bedroom apartments @ $481 per night
5 x 4-bedroom apartments @ $611 per night

2 x 3-bedroom houses @ $546 per night
5 x 4-bedroom houses @ $676 per night
3 x 5-bedroom houses @ $806 per night


Please book the houses and apartments directly with the hotel on 03 5264 3333.

Why not stay longer and make the most of your visit to Torquay?

The hotel has offered additional consecutive nights accommodation at the same discounted rate. Contact the hotel directly on (03) 5264 3333 to extend the accommodation (consecutive nights only) at the conference rate.


Off-site Options

Wyndham Resort - 2km away.  Please mention the VFCC2015 conference when booking for a hotel room rate of $179 including breakfast (5 available), or $229 per night for apartments.

There are a number of accommodation options in Torquay with varying overnight rates.  If you require any assistance, please contact the conference secretariat.