One With Each Other Building Community

Question: What does the $50.00 registration fee include?

Answer: The participant registration fee pays for the meals. Lodging is being sponsored by the SE District Office budget.


Question: Do churches need to register as a group? Can individual youth register on their own?

Answer: A church can register as one group with the primary registrant being the lead adult attending the event. (For example, a pastor should not register him/herself as the primary registrant if s/he is not planning on attending.) Youth should not register on their own because they must be in attendance with an adult chaperone; the adult chaperone must be the primary registrant for any group attending.


Question: Do adults need to register? Do we need to send chaperones or can we just register students?

Answer: Yes, adult chaperones need to register and pay for the event. Yes, you do need to send chaperones with your students. You cannot only register your students or send students to the event without adult supervision. The District Office does not have adequate adult supervision for all 300 student participants. We recommend a 1 adult per 7 student ratio with male and female chaperones (if you are bringing students of the both genders), with adults being at least 22 (and five years older than your oldest student.) Please note: due to liability reasons and to ensure adequate chaperonage, children under the age of participants may not attend the event.


Question: Does everyone need to fill out a medical release form and behavioral covenant?

Answer: YES. No exceptions. Your group will not be allowed to enter the event without submitting copies of these forms to the registrars at the registration desk. All youth and all adults must submit a form, regardless of whether the adult is a paid staff, a volunteer, a parent or a pastor -- everyone must submt a form. You can download a form by returning to the main page of this site -- the "summary".


Question: How do we register for lodging?

Answer: Lodging is included in the price. If you do not need the lodging, please contact Angela Ullrich, Event Planner, via email with the names of those people that will not need lodging accommodations. All of the cabins are located within the camp.


Question: Can I make changes to our registration?

Answer: Yes. If you need to make changes or substitute one youth's information for another in your ‘additional participants,’ please call Kristy Yang, Conference Registrar at 1-888-240-7328. DO NOT cancel a registration and then re-register a new person yourself because you will be charged a cancellation fee of $20.00. If you have any questions about doing this or prefer that the Conference office assist you with this process, do not hesitate to call Kristy Yang at 1-888-240-7328.


Question: What if I need to cancel a registration?

Answer: Call the conference office at 1-888-240-7328 ask for Kristy Yang, Conference Registrar. Be aware that there is a $20.00 fee for each registration that is canceled. No refunds will be submitted after February 4, 2018.