Plant and Microbe Adaptations to Cold

Call for Abstracts: Plant and Microbe Adaptations to Cold

As of February 12, oral presentations for the 2016 meeting have been selected. Abstracts for poster presentations will be accepted any time before the start of the conference. These can be submitted HERE.

The Plant and Microbe Adaptations to Cold (PMAC) working group invites abstract submissions for its 2016 Conference to be held at the Motif Hotel in Seattle, WA, USA. The theme for 2016 is “Adapting to a Changing Climate.” If you wish to submit an abstract, registration for the event ($625 early rate*) includes one submission, welcome reception, lunch each day, breaks, and congress dinner. A second abstract can be submitted for an additional $25. 

*Please note that applicants paying by credit card can pay their registration fee in installments.

PMAC conferences are intended for professionals and practitioners interested in winter survival of plants in agricultural and forestry settings as influenced by abiotic and biotic stresses. Membership in PMAC or another professional society is not required to participate. Conference participants represent a growing number of countries primarily located in the northern hemisphere. The official conference language is English.

Oral presentations will be placed into sessions with a common theme. Presentation time is 20 minutes total, with 5 minutes for questions and discussion.

The Program Committee welcomes all poster submissions for display at the conference. Poster submissions received after April 22 may not appear in conference publications. 

Oral presentations for the 2016 meeting have been selected. Abstracts for poster presentations will be accepted any time before the start of the conference. These can be submitted HERE.

Presentation Guidelines

Oral and poster presentations should report results from completed or ongoing research that are pertinent to the PMAC audiencePMAC encourages interaction between research and application; therefore, presenters are asked to describe potential practical applications of their findings when possible. Although presentations may describe local, regional, or national work, presenters are encouraged to consider the international audience and provide appropriate background and contextual information, avoiding local jargon and using internationally recognized measurement units.

Abstract Guidelines

Please be sure to carefully edit and proofread your abstract before submission. PMAC will not edit abstract submissions; they will be published in the meeting program book as submitted. Abstracts will be reviewed for subject matter and quality by the Program Committee based on the following criteria:

·      Abstracts must report results of original research or other activity of significant merit that relates to winter survival of microbes or plants and the related industry. Authors are strongly encouraged to include tangible data and not merely provide an overview of the research and results.

·      Abstracts must include: statement of the problem, objectives, methods, results, and significance of the research to winter survival of microbes or plants.

·      Abstracts are limited to 250 words and must not include references or footnotes.

·      Abstracts must be in final form with no grammatical, typographical, or factual errors.

·      No abstract that has been published or printed as part of another meeting shall be submitted for consideration.

·      Publication of tables, charts, and graphs projected onto screens or posted at the annual meeting by anyone other than an author or presenter is prohibited unless a release has been requested and received in writing from an author or presenter.