Plant and Microbe Adaptations to Cold

The Plant and Microbe Adaptations to the Cold (PMAC) meeting originated in Sapporo, Japan in 1997 as an interdisciplinary forum for scientists and extension people working in the field in plant pathology, plant physiology, microbiology, and crop breeding to increase our knowledge and improve our understanding of overwintering of crops, forages and grasses and solve the problems associated with losses due to freezing and heavy snow cover.  

Successive meetings have been held in Akureyri, Iceland (2000), Quebec City, Canada (2003), Salsomaggiore Therme, Italy (2006), Aas, Norway (2009), and Sapporo, Japan (2012) with attendance ranging from about 80 to 120 people. Papers from the meeting in Sapporo were published in Plant and Microbe Adaptations to Cold in a Changing World.

Join us in Seattle in May 2016, and help determine where the next meeting (2019) will be held!