2015 WCO IT Conference and Exhibition

Director General
Servicio Nacional De Aduana Del Ecuador

Xavier Cardenas, is an Ecuadorian economist, graduated from Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL). He earned his mention in Business Management, specialization Finance. To complement his early career, he earned a Master in International Trade from CESMA, Business School Madrid. Cardenas was also awarded an honorary diploma by ESPOL, acknowledging his abilities as a lecturer.


Throughout his career, Cardenas has worked as Specialist Foreign Trade to the Servicio de Rentas Internas (SRI), has also been Assessor to the General Manager CAE (current SENAE), Control Manager and Deputy General Manager of Operations of Servicio Nacional de Aduana del Ecuador (SENAE), assuming the responsibility of being the second authority of the General Manager in his absence.           


During his management as Director General of SENAE, he has been working continuously on strengthen trade facilitation, through a highly professional and technical level, in order to convert Customs of Ecuador in a technological leader in controls and customs services with all automated and integrated processes, sustained in a highly productive human resources, with a user-oriented management and an agile and safe trade.