2015 Annual Conference & Meeting


 15 May
 Early Bird Registration Closes
 29 May
 Deadline to Cancel Registration for Full Refund (less $80 cancellation fee)
 19 June
 Standard Registration Deadline
 27 June
 Hotel Registration Deadline
 30 June
 Deadline to Cancel Registration for 50% Refund
 3 July
 Pre-registration Deadline (otherwise, processed onsite)
 19 - 20 July
 Board of Directors Meeting (open to ILCA members)
 21 July  Lactation Equity Action Seminar
22 - 25 July   Conference

Lactation Equity Action Seminar

As a part of ongoing efforts to address barriers to the lactation consultant profession that result in inequitable access or underrepresented communities across the world, a workshop will be held on on 21 July 2015, the day prior to the 2015 ILCA Conference in Washington, D.C.

This workshop will continue the work of the 2014 Lactation Summit, Addressing Inequities Within the Lactation Consultant Profession, to disseminate what has been learned thus far about barriers to accessing the profession, create a space for participants to share and listen, deepen our understanding of the impact of inequities, and develop a shared vocabulary or making change.

This workshop is one of several opportunities to help broaden the discussion through various means to the widest possible audience, including those not present at the workshop.

Click Here for More Details!

Hosted by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®), International Lactation Consultant Association® (ILCA®), and Lactation Education, Accreditation and Approval Review Committee (LEAARC).


Register for the full conference by the Standard Deadline to be eligible. You must be present during the Annual General Meeting on Friday, 24 July to win.


Cinema, conversation, and action. ILCA is thrilled to offer a private screening of the ground-breaking documentary, MILK, at this conference. JOIN US after our Founder's Reception (22 July 2015, 8:30pm) to view this wonderful film and participate in a Q&A with its director, Noemi Weis. An additional screening will be held on Friday, 24 July at 3:00pm. Information will also be available for those who would like to bring the film to their own communities.


We support breastfeeding families. ILCA welcomes infants-in-arms and non-separating children to our conference. We ask that you be mindful of the needs of your children while being sensitive to other conference attendees. A room will be set aside with a refrigerator and comfortable seating for families and for those who would like to express and store their milk. Please bring your own breast pump.


We need you! There are a number of volunteer opportunities to introduce speakers and monitor sessions rooms. Volunteering is an excellent way to get involved, meet new people, and help ILCA to provide an excellent conference to its participants. Make sure to sign-up on your registration form. You'll receive an email with expectations and instructions closer to the date of the conference.


Do you know about the ILCA Scholarship Fund? It was developed to assist members in attending the annual ILCA Conference. If you are from a developing country and need financial assistance to attend the conference, apply for an ILCA Conference Scholarship.


Join us in contributing to ILCA's Scholarship Funds, which provide for members who are in need of assistance to attend our annual conference. For more information, visit the ILCA website.