The Energy State of the Nation 2015

The annual energy industry event for young ambitious energy leaders

[Y]ESON 2015, Thursday 19 March 2015

The Energy State of the Nation forum (ESON 2015) will be held on Friday 20 March at the Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney. ESON 2015 will be preceded by The [Young] Energy State of the Nation forum [Y]ESON to be held on Thursday 19 March in the board room of Piper Alderman, Level 23, Governor Macquarie Tower Sydney. 

[Y]ESON 2015 is open to future energy leaders who are nominated by members of the Institute (one delegate per member). Delegates will meet their counterparts from industry and government to develop and articulate their future energy vision for Australia. It is a unique opportunity for young professionals to work closely with other future energy leaders to develop a vision for Australia’s energy industry, based on their knowledge, experience and creativity.

The Chair of [Y]ESON 2015 will be Jarrod Powell, Government and International Relations Advisor at ANSTO.

The event will commence at 10 am with an introduction of delegates and an outline of objectives by Robert Pritchard, Executive Director of the Energy Policy Institute.

At 11 am there will be a 30 minute presentation by Dr Ron Loveland, Energy Adviser to the Welsh Government. Dr Loveland will then facilitate a discussion session until 1.00 pm. A light luncheon will be provided.

From 2 pm, delegates will develop a plan as to how they can best contribute to the debate at the ESON 2015 the following day.

At 6.30 pm [Y]ESON delegates will have an informal dinner amongst themselves to provide additional time to network and share further ideas.

At ESON 2015 on the following day, [Y]ESON delegates will have 5 minutes to present their conclusions. They will also have the opportunity of posing questions at each of the sessions.

Apart from an invited group of young officials from the Department of Industry and Science, registration is by application only and is limited to 20 young professionals (generally under 30 years of age) who are nominated by their employers, who are members of the Energy Policy Institute.

The registration cost is $395.00 which includes the Thursday 19 March forum and dinner, and entry to ESON 2015 on Friday 20 March. Further information and an ESON brochure can be found by following the link at

To apply, nominees are required to forward a short resume or cv to Kirsten Pain at The Meetings Manager:  Applications will be acknowledged within 7-10 days.  Successful applicants will then be forwarded a [Y]ESON specific online link to register.