Building interoperability for European civil proceedings online
Final Research-Conference
University of Bologna - Via Belmeloro 14 (ROOM G)
June 14-17, 2011

The research project Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings Online aims to contribute to e-justice development in trans-border cases with research findings coming from in depth case studies of national and European e-Justice applications, and with an analysis of the legal, institutional, organizational and technical conditions in which e-justice can successfully support and handle national and trans-border civil cases.

The upcoming Building Interoperability for European Civil Proceedings Online research conference provides an international forum for the presentation and discussion of the project findings and, not less important, it offers room to discuss national and trans-border experiences of e-justice. Also, the research conference wants to investigate the practices currently adopted by local courts to handle the European Payment Order and European Small Claims Procedures. For this reason, in each section there will be room for discussion with the attendees.

The project has been supported by a research grant of the European Commission, Civil Justice, grant JLS/2009/JCIV/AG/0035