Amnesty International Canadian Section(ES) AGM/ Human Rights Conference 2012

There’s a new opening on our Executive Committee (EC) open for election at the coming AGM in June. Our current Secretary, George Harding, is embarking on an overseas volunteering adventure! So we are now looking for people to run for the position for a one year term (June 2012-June 2013).

This is a great opportunity for anyone who wants to get more involved with Amnesty Canada’s work and contribute in new and exciting ways.

Specific responsibilities of the Secretary include approving the minutes of EC meetings and keeping the Branch Policy Manual up to date. As a Director, the Secretary also participates in various Board activities, discussions, and committees as part of overseeing the governance of the Branch.
As well as a one year term as Secretary we are looking for people to fill the following roles on our Executive Committee:
President - One (2 year term)
Vice-President - One (2 year term)
Treasurer - One (2 year term)
Director - Two (2 year term)
Committee members must be prepared to contribute up to 4 hours per month to their work, plus attend 4 weekend Board meetings a year (expenses covered by Branch). Diversity training and/or a detailed understanding of the work of the EC is an asset.

To submit your nomination, send it to Louise Mulvihill (

Contact Margaret Flynn at or Louise Mulvihill at as soon as possible to indicate your interest in this position. They can also answer any questions you have about the position and being part of the EC.