Amnesty International Canadian Section(ES) AGM/ Human Rights Conference 2012


The National Office encourages you to use the mode of transportation that has the least effect on our environment. If you live close to the City of Vancouver please carpool with a fellow delegate.

Travel arrangements for the AGM can be made through Rideau Travel, Amnesty International Canada's travel agency. Our representative is Carole Doré; Carole can be reached at:

Toll-free: 1-800 265-9562   

Phone: (613) 789-4816 

Fax: (613) 789-3684


If you are comfortable booking on-line, you may get a better deal and not incur any service charge for a travel agent’s booking. The general rule should be book the cheapest flight that is convenient for youPlease book early to take advantage of seat sales and excursion rates.

It’s also possible to reach Vancouver by train, bus or canoe. 
Note: Fieldworkers, Coordinators, Executive Committee Members Staff, please click on the form to book your travel arrangements.