GI for GPs Course


Course Registration Fees
GST is not charged on registration fees for this conference.

Attendees: $400.00
Adult Guests (13 and older): $150.00
Child Guests (12 and under): $50.00
Children's Dinner Tickets $35.00

Please note: A credit card (VISA or MasterCard) will be required to process payment before you complete this form.

Cancellation Policy

Notice of cancellation must be made in writing to the Conference Secretariat at A $25.00 cancellation fee will apply for conference registrations cancelled until November 7, 2013. After this date, no refunds will be issued.

Registration Policies
  1. Registration fees must be paid using a credit card (VISA or Mastercard) at the time of registration. You will be required to pay on the last page of this form.
  2. GST is not charged on registration fees for this conference.
  3. All registration fees are listed and must be paid in Canadian Dollars (CAD). 
  4. Advance registrations will be accepted until November 25, 2013. After November 25, 2013, registrations will only be accepted on-site.
  5. Substitutions may be made until November 25, 2013 by writing to the Conference Secretariat at or on-site. 
  6. Credit card payment must be made by VISA or MasterCard. Your statement will read “Buksa Assoc. (780) 436-0983 Edm.”
  7. A confirmation notice detailing your registration will be sent to you immediately upon completion of this registration form. If you do not receive this confirmation within 24 hours please contact us at
  8. Recording may occur throughout the conference; by agreeing to these policies conference attendees consent to filming, photography and sound recording as delegates, speakers or exhibitors at the conference.
  9. All registration rates are subject to availability.
  10. Completion of this form constitutes a binding agreement to the policies listed above.
New Registration