NH-ISAC 2015 Fall Summit

Keynote Speakers

Peter Leyden
Leading Expert on New Technologies and Future Trends

Peter Leyden is the founder of Reinventors, a new media company that gathers top innovators in video roundtables to work on how to reinvent our world. He’s the CEO running the startup as well as the host of the signature Reinvent America series that looks at how to solve pressing challenges in a wide range of fields.

Leyden is an innovator and entrepreneur who worked for a series of pioneering organizations that tracked the disruption of the digital revolution and helped reinvent the fields of media, business and politics.

He’s also an author and speaker who frequently gives keynote talks about where technology is going and what to expect in the near future at conferences throughout the United States and occasionally Europe and Asia. Leyden was managing editor at the original Wired magazine that introduced the world to the digital revolution and that helped invent the media of the early world wide web.

He worked for years at Global Business Network, the renowned think tank on future trends that helped corporations and governments make long-term strategic plans.

He was founding director of the New Politics Institute during the 2004 to 2008 political cycle, helping those in Washington transition to the new way of doing politics on the Internet.

Leyden started his career as a journalist, including serving as a special correspondent for Newsweek magazine in Asia.

He is the coauthor of two books on new technologies and the future: The Long Boom, which was translated into a half dozen languages, and What’s Next.

Leyden has two masters degrees from Columbia University, one in politics and the other in journalism, and he graduated summa cum laude from Georgetown University after designing his own major in intellectual history.

He has lived for the last couple decades in the San Francisco Bay Area with his wife and daughter.



Theresa Payton
Former White House CIO, Cybersecurity Authority, Expert on Identity Theft and the Internet of Things

In the wake of recent, debilitating cyberattacks at Anthem, Sony Pictures, Home Depot and Target, Theresa Payton remains the cybersecurity expert companies turn to regarding efforts to strengthen cybersecurity measures and understand the impact of the Internet of Things and the importance of securing Big Data. Named one of the top 25 Most Influential People in Security by Security Magazine, she is one of America's most respected authorities on Internet security, data breaches and fraud mitigation.

The first female to serve as White House Chief Information Officer, Payton oversaw IT operations for the President and his staff from 2006 to 2008. Previously, she held executive roles in banking technology at Bank of America and Wells Fargo, facilitating her broad knowledge of cybersecurity risks and measures in the financial services industry. Currently, as the founder, president and CEO of leading security, risk and fraud consulting company, Fortalice, LLC, she remains the expert who organizations go to for help understanding and improving their IT systems.

Payton collaborated with IT expert and attorney, Ted Claypoole, to author two books focused on helping others learn how to protect their privacy online, after receiving a number of pleas from friends and strangers regarding account hacking. Hailed as ‘must-reads,’ Privacy in the Age of Big Data and Protecting Your Internet Identity outline peoples’ rights, as well as tips and strategies for building and maintaining a positive online image.

Recognized as a 2015 William J. Clinton distinguished lecturer by the Clinton School of Public Service, Payton captivates audiences with a fascinating narrative on the world of cybersecurity, including insight and methods critical to protecting organizations and information from rapidly evolving cyberattacks.