CDW Summit on Social Business

From internal collaboration to improving the customer experience, new and emerging social technologies are taking the enterprise by storm. Yet as companies of all industries race to become truly digital, they face daunting technical and cultural challenges to become more social.

  • What strategies can your organization leverage to create the elusive “omni-channel” experience for your customers?

  • How can you leverage society’s increasing appetite for social collaboration, expertise swarming and community building?
  • How can a well-developed strategy lead to an ideal of well-integrated, frictionless collaboration for your organization?

Join us for an evening of networking and expert insights, complemented by fine food, wine and conversation.

Top 5 Reasons to Attend:
  • LEARN how other organizations are optimizing their social business investments.

  • DISCOVER strategies that create a collaboration experience and accelerate business outcomes
  • FREE UP the time your organization spends managing and optimizing your social business investments.
  • HEAR how to achieve collaboration big wins.

  • NETWORK and compare notes with other top IT executives facing similar challenges.