2017 WCO TI Forum

To download the full Forum Agenda please click here

Monday, 30/10/2017
16:00 - 18:00事前登録
19:00 - 21:00ウェルカムカクテル

Day 1: Tuesday, 31/10/2017
08:30 - 09:30参加者の到着及び登録
09:30 - 10:20開会の辞(御厨邦雄WCO事務総局長)
Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General, World Customs Organization
Ministry of Finance, Japan
10:20 - 10:50基調講演(コーポレートスポンサー)
Mr. Tim Norton
10:50 - 11:30展示エリアでのコーヒーブレイク及び参加者間の交流(記者会見)
11:30 - 13:00ラウンドテーブル1:国境という観点からみた画期的技術
Discussion lead: Mr. Tim Norton, Global Markets Head, Ports and Borders, Smiths Detection
Mr. Kunio Mikuriya, Secretary General, World Customs Organization
Mr. Huyk Lee, Coordinator, Integrated Border Management Task Force, INTERPOL
Mr. James Canham, Managing Director, Global Customs Lead, Accenture
Mr. Bernard Lim, International Relations and Security , Ministry of Transport, Singapore
13:00 - 14:30ビュッフェ形式での昼食及び展交流(展示エリア
14:30 - 16:00ラウンドテーブル2: 機器とその信頼性
Discussion lead: Mr. Christian Leuprecht, Flinders University of South Australia, Royal Military College of Canada and Flinders University, South Australia
Mr. Dicksons Collins Kateshumbwa, Commissioner of Customs, Uganda Revenue Authority
Mr. Gino Lechasseur, Director General, Information, Science and Technology Branch, Canada Border Services Agency
Ms. Melissa Odegaard
16:00 - 16:30コーヒーブレイク及び交流(展示エリア)
16:30 - 18:00セッション1: 新たな技術-新たな機会?
Moderator: Mr. Hal Grodzins, Chairman, President & CEO, Heuresis Corporation
Mr. Shigetoshi Aoyama, Deputy Director-General, Central Customs Laboratory, Ministry of Finance, Japan
Mr. Yonggang Wang, Assistant President, Nuctech
Mr. Frank Kalizinje, Business Intelligence Analyst/Researcher, Malawi Revenue Authority
20:00 - 22:00夕食

Day 2: Wednesday, 01/11/2017
08:00 - 09:00登録
09:00 - 09:30基調講演
Mr. Paul Simpson, Vice President & General Manager, Cargo Solutions, L-3 Security & Detection Systems
09:30 - 11:00セッション2: データ分析のもう一つの側面
Moderator: Ms Charity L Mosweu, Director, Information Technology, Botswana Customs
Mr. Superintendent Dean Hogarth, Consul (Hong Kong) , Australian Border Force
Mr. Kaz Nishihata, Senior Executive Vice President, Representative Director of the Board, NTT Data Corporation
Ms. Liu Qing, Head of Government Solutions, APAC, Bureau Van Dijk
11:00 - 11:30コーヒーブレイク及び交流(展示エリア)
11:30 - 13:00セッション2: 監視
Moderator: Dato Dr Ahmad Jailani, Deputy Director General, Royal Malaysian Customs
Mr. Adel Ben Hassen, Director General , Tunisian Customs
Mr. Philippe Chatelain, CEO, INEXTO
Mr. Joris Groeneveld, Senior Advisor X-ray scanning and Radiation detection, Dutch Customs
13:00 - 14:00ビュッフェ形式の昼食及び交流(展示エリア)
14:00 - 18:00ブレイクアウト・セッション2 ブレイクアウト・セッション2 ブレイクアウト・セッション3
14:00 - 14:30ブレイクアウト・セッション1
Mr. Andrei Avramescu
Mr. Takayuki Kida, Manager, Sales Group2, Public Division 2, Public Sector1, NTT DATA Corporation
Mr. Alexander de Voet
Ms. Jorien Kerstens
14:30 - 15:00ブレイクアウト・セッション1
Mr. Bree Allen, President, Rigaku Analytical Devices, Inc.
Ms. Liu Qing, Head of Government Solutions, APAC, Bureau Van Dijk
Dr. Geraint Dermody, Business Development Director, Symetrica
15:00 - 15:30ブレイクアウト・セッション1
Mr. Mathieu Guillebaud, CV 2 Product Line Director, L3 Security & Detection Systems
Mr. Stephen Wood, Vice President , Cobalt Light Systems
Mr. Philippe Chatelain, CEO, INEXTO
16:00 - 16:30ブレイクアウト・セッション1
Ms. Weizhen WANG
Mr. Wil Grullemans, General Manager, Nordiko Quarantine Systems
Mr. Cody Wilson, Director of Research and Development, Passport Systems Inc.
16:30 - 17:00ブレイクアウト・セッション1
Mr. Joe Reiss, Vice President, Product Management & Marketing, Rapiscan Systems | AS&E
Mr. Hal Grodzins, Chairman, President & CEO, Heuresis Corporation
Mr. Daan Van Setten, Managing Director, GE-Data
17:00 - 17:30ブレイクアウト・セッション1
Mr. Takamasa Murayama, Section Chief, Enforcement Division, Customs and Tariff Bureau, Ministry of Finance, Japan
Mr. Joris Groeneveld, Senior Advisor X-ray scanning and Radiation detection, Dutch Customs
Mr. Christian Leuprecht, Flinders University of South Australia, Royal Military College of Canada and Flinders University, South Australia
20:00 - 22:00夕食

Day 3: Thursaday, 02/11/2017
08:00 - 09:00登録
09:30 - 10:00基調講演
Col. Hameed Ibrahim Ali, Comptroller General, Nigeria Customs
10:00 - 11:30セッション4: 数字と地図による国境: 「入国地点」をどのように越えるのか
Moderator: Mr. Andrew Farrelly, Co-founder, CT Strategies
Mr. Shigeo ‘’George’’ Suzuki, Director, Business Development Group, Esri Japan
Mr. Laurent Layrol, Business Development Manager, GE-Data
Mr Thomas Cantens, Head, Research Unit, WCO
11:30 - 12:00コーヒーブレイク及び交流(展示エリア)
12:00 - 12:30閉会
Forum Chair Mr. Leigh Winchell, Deputy Director, Enforcement Sub-Directorate, World Customs Organization
12:30 - 13:00ランチ(テイク・アウト)及び交流(展示エリア)
13:00 - 18:00