2017 Kentucky Farm Bureau Regional Teacher Workshops


Click here to download the 2017 KFB Teacher Workshop Agenda

8:30 – 9:00 a.m. Registration

9:00 – 9:15 a.m. Welcome & Overview

Scott Christmas, KFB Director

Ag Education, Women & Young Farmer Programs

9:15 – 11:45 a.m. Indoor and Outdoor Training Sessions:

This year’s workshops will again highlight several agricultural lessons that are designed to better enable you to broaden your students’ educational experiences and deepen their desires to learn. Whether it is a simple indoor activity or a long-term outdoor adventure, you will be pleased as academic achievements grow with their agricultural interests. The agricultural industry in Kentucky, and throughout the United States, has an abundance of quality materials that are designed to incorporate agricultural and environmental concepts as you teach core content. These interdisciplinary lessons are excellent tools as you seek to enhance student learning and knowledge retention.

11:45 – 1:30 p.m. Luncheon & Presentation

Mitchell Tolle, Artist, Author & Speaker

The Most Wonderful Dream

Mitchell Tolle grew up in rural Kentucky on the edge of the broad Ohio River and he has spent a lifetime painting and drawing the familiar faces and colorful places that surrounded him there. Now, in the classic children's book, The Most Wonderful Dream, Tolle takes us to a farm in Kentucky where a couple of very bright children contemplate the world through innocent, childlike eyes. As you will discover, their insight is amazing and their conclusions humbling as they offer real solutions to some of our world's most perplexing problems. Mitchell is considered to be among America's finest living artists. He has painted a U.S. President, has several books in print and has entertained guests from more than 80 countries. You do not want to miss this inspiring presentation.

View the Kentucky Farm Bureau Minute of "The Most Wonderful Dream" by author Mitchell Tolle

1:30 – 4:00 p.m. Agricultural & Environmental Tour

Several workshops will offer a chartered tour in the afternoon which will give practical insights on how you can incorporate modern and historical agriculture concepts in your classrooms. Larger workshops will tour or engage in offsite activities throughout the day. You will enjoy seeing and experiencing Kentucky agriculture first-hand.

4:00 p.m. Distribution of Certificates & Adjournment