Seminary for a Day 2019
Rachel Baard
Assistant Professor of Theology and Ethics
Workshop - Living Faithfully in an Era of Hate
John Carroll
Professor of New Testament
Workshop - Images of Jesus in Other World Religions
Frances Taylor Gench
Professor of Biblical Interpretation
Workshop - Jesus was a Mammal: Reading the Gospel of John Ecologically
Melanie Jones
Director of the Katie Geneva Cannon Center for Womanist Leadership and Instructor of Ethics, Theology and Culture
Workshop - Womanist Theology & Ethics
Deborah Krause
Professor of New Testament
Workshop - When the Bible Becomes a Pop-Up Book: Finding Feet for Religious Leadership in the Midst of the Ferguson Freedom Movement
Christine Marquis-Luckritz
Assistant Professor of Church History
Workshop - Judaism and Christianity on the Arabian Peninsula on the Eve of Islam
Ken McFayden
Vice President for Academic Affairs and Academic Dean, Professor of Ministry Leadership Development
Workshop - All the Rage: The Dynamic Power of Anger in Conflicted Relationships
Rodney Sadler
Director of the Center for Social Justice and Reconciliation and Associate Professor of Bible
Workshop - The Role of the Church in Racial Reconciliation
Stan Skreslet
Professor of Christian Ministries
Workshop - Mission and Missionaries in Film and Fiction
Rich Voelz
Assistant Professor of Teaching and Worship
Workshop - Preaching to Teach: Rethinking the Image of the Teacher for Preaching in Our Time