Pitch your Project to Industry Professionals

Our famous Screenwriters World Pitch Slam is the most exciting five minutes you’ll spend as an up-and-coming screenwriter. It’s your chance to get unprecedented access to representatives of some of the biggest movie producers, studios and management companies in the entertainment Industry. See our list  of agents and execs expected to attend this year’s Pitch Slam to get ready to make those all-important connections—and maybe even sell your screenplay!


“The best weekend of my life. I met so many people from all over and got insider tips from working screenwriters, producers, agents, and
studios. Pitch slam was a once in a lifetime opportunity.” – Mark Mancini, Screenwriters World Conference East 2013 Attendee

“The best experience I have had so far as a screenwriter. The actual face time with agents and producer's is priceless. I got several producers asking to see my scripts and agents as well. I would tell anyone I know who’s serious about writing to go.” – Stephen Owens, Screenwriters World Conference East 2013 Attendee

“Blown away by the speakers, sessions and Pitch Slam. The entire event was a rush from start to finish.” – Jamie Earhart, Screenwriters World Conference East 2013 Attendee


Imagine speed dating for your screenplay. You’ll sit down for five-minute sessions with as many agents as you can fit into the all-day event. For the first two minutes with each agent, you’ll share the premise, genre, and the scope of your project with emphasis on the main characters, the conflict that moves your story forward, and the genre (that’s your pitch). For the remainder of your time, the agent or exec will provide immediate, unbiased feedback on your work and your pitch, including invaluable suggestions for improving it. And if an agent or exec gives you his or her business card, jackpot! That’s a request to see more of your work, and could lead to signing with an agent or an option of your project.

The Pitch Slam gives you:
• Immediate feedback on your writing by real agents with experience in your 
• Tips on various ways to improve your storyline and the pitch
• One-on-one connections with agents
• The opportunity to land representation and sell your screenplay!


1) Do your research. There will be 60 agents and execs eager to meet new writers, and some of them will be a better fit for your project than others. Be sure to study the list of attendees you’ll receive before the conference, and target only those who represent the kind of writing you do. Even better, look for agents and execs who work with screenwriters you particularly admire and emulate; you’ll know they share your taste in writing and are more likely to be a good fit.

2) Practice your pitch ahead of time. If you’ve never prepared a pitch or “elevator speech,” this is a great opportunity to develop a succinct, compelling description of what makes your project unique and desirable. Write it out, and then practice your pitch with a timer to make sure you stay within the recommended two minutes. The time enforcers at the Pitch Slam will be strict!

3) Give your nerves the heave-ho. If the idea of pitching makes you nervous, remember that the agents and execs at the Pitch Slam are just people, each with his or her own taste in writing. One person’s rejection only means you’re that much closer to finding the right fit for you. By the end of the event, your jitters will be history and you’ll be an expert at extolling the virtues of your work.