Computerworld and Schneider Electric

Seminar Agenda                                                                                                 

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8:00am - 9:00am
Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00am - 9:10amWelcome & Opening Remarks
Derek Hulitzky, VP, Content Development & Strategy, Computerworld

9:10am - 10:00am

Today’s Data Center: A Case Study in Disruptive Innovation
J. Bruce Daley, VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research

For almost 50 years, the model for how companies built and operated data centers remained largely unchanged, save incremental improvements. But in just the past few years, it has experienced a level of technological innovation that can only be called disruptive. From chip design to network design and many other advances, innovation is changing the capabilities of almost every component. This is critical in today’s world where data centers consume 2% of the world’s energy but servers are, on average,  only utilized 5% of the time (or about 1 hour and 15 minutes a day). Join Constellation Principal Analyst J. Bruce Daley as he draws on decades of experience and original research to discuss the difference between disruptive innovation and incremental improvement and how you can adapt to the disruptive change before it’s too late.

10:00am - 10:35am

What does Data Center Infrastructure Management Mean for Your Business?
Domenic Alcaro, VP, Mission Critical Software and Services, Schneider Electric

Having the right data center infrastructure management (DCIM) strategy in place is critical to ensuring that you are tapping the full business value of your data center.  DCIM solutions are designed to collect and analyze data about a data center’s assets, resource use and operation. But what does that data mean to the business? You'll learn that and more in this session.

10:35am - 10:55amNetworking Break and Live Demonstrations
Join Schneider Electric for a live demonstration of its StruxureWare for DC Offer. The demo will provide an overview of how the solution can provide strong visibility, insight and planning to maximize data center operations.

10:55am - 11:15amThe Data Center Evolution at Columbia University: An Executive Interview
Tony Cirillo, AVP, IT Operations and Systems, Columbia University

The data center story at Columbia University is one of varied assets and finding new ways to strive for efficiency.  Join us to learn how they've modernized and where they're headed.

 11:15am - 12:00pmInteractive Panel Discussion:  Measuring and Optimizing the Highly Efficient Data Center
Domenic Alcaro, VP, Mission Critical Software and Services, Schneider Electric
Tony Cirillo, AVP, IT Operations and Systems, Columbia University
J. Bruce Daley, VP & Principal Analyst, Constellation Research
Steven Mon, Lead Operations Program Manager, Rakuten Marketing
Moderated by: Derek Hulitzky, VP, Content Development & Strategy, Computerworld

Join the day’s presenters for an interactive discussion of the morning’s insights and best practices in optimizing data center operations.  Hear from others and get answers to your burning questions surrounding data center management and efficiency.

 12:00pm Recap, Takeaways and Closing Remarks
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