2013 Conference on Disaster Management
Engagement: The Art of Co-Creative Leadership
Presented by Ravi Tangri, CSP
Monday, November 18, 2013 - 8:30 am - 12:00 pm

One of the core challenges identified at the 2012 Conference was how to engage and involve multiple stakeholders before, during and after crisis situations, whether you are dealing with a team, a single organization or a broader community. How do you engage multiple stakeholders effectively in a short time frame to create effective solutions? The fact is, most of today's significant challenges are too broad for any one individual or stakeholder to solve - you need to engage all the players to collectively craft the way forward with very little time and resources available. This is the art of co-creative leadership.

In this hands-on workshop you will learn the fundamentals of how to engage and involve the key stakeholders in your team, community or organization to develop and implement effective action that taps into the immense wisdom of the whole group and addresses all of their diverse perspectives and needs. You'll learn why traditional leadership just isn't enough any more and what the key principles of engagement and co-creation are. During the morning you'll experience and learn the fundamentals of proven techniques including Open Space Technology and the World Cafe, both of which were used in the 2012 conference to help participants tap into the collective wisdom of the whole group to design their own individual action plans for applying what they learned to their unique challenges. Rather than just speaking theoretically, you'll use these techniques to understand how and when to best use them to engage your own community, team or organization and collectively co-create ways forward with them.