Online Career Builders Courses

Welcome to the KPSAHS Online Course Registration page for SEIU UHW-West & Joint Employer Fund eligible members only. 

The below course offerings are for certificate only. This means, they are not for credit and do not transfer to other colleges. They are perfect classes for working on skills for your current position, for moving into a new position, and for recalling prior knowledge before starting school again. 

Please note, enrollment for all five courses are currently filled to capacity. Therefor, anyone that registers after August 25th will be automatically enrolled in the January session. Thank you for your interest. 

FYI: You may only register for one class per six week session. 

Anatomy and Physiology

Basic College Math

College Algebra 

Medical Terminology

Once you register, you will receive an email about a week prior to your course stating the details on how to access your online course. 

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