On Life's Journey - International Conference on Palliative Care and Care of the Older Person
Marymount Charity Concert

Featuring Cara O’Sullivan &  The Band of An Garda Síochána
with sport broadcaster Ger Canning as Compère

Date: Saturday 17 October, 8.00pm
Tickets: €25

Marymount University Hospital & Hospice in association with the Friends of Marymount are delighted to host a “Marymount Concert” to coincide with Marymount’s first International Conference on Palliative Care and Care of the Older Person. It will bring together staff, friends, volunteers, conference delegates and the people of Cork to celebrate 145 years of Marymount and to close the conference.

The concert performers include Cork’s own Cara O’Sullivan, one of Ireland’s best known sopranos who has performed locally, nationally and internationally across Europe, Australia and the USA. The Band of An Garda Síochána will also perform on the night and provide the accompaniment for Cara. Compère for the evening is Mr Ger Canning, renowned sports broadcaster.