BSR/MSD Trainees in Rheumatology: Understanding the wider world outside the NHS
British Society for Rheumatology / MSD

Trainees in Rheumatology: Understanding the wider world outside the NHS

Friday 20th November 2015 

Arnolfini, 16 Narrow Quay, Bristol BS1 4QA


Judy Oliver BA (Hons), Barrister, FIPD, FRSA

Judy Oliver specialises in leadership development, strategic thinking, transition planning and facilitation of multi-agency and multi-professional partnerships and teams and community consultations. Her portfolio of work includes executive coaching and development for directors and people in organisations across all sectors but particularly local government and the NHS.
In addition to providing bespoke development programmes for Boards and Executive Teams, she has successfully designed and delivered key strategic development programmes for clinical leaders in the NHS, including clinical leaders in the new Clinical Commissioning Groups, clinical directors and consultants in hospitals and GP and specialist registrars. During the last two years, the portfolio of work has been heavily skewed towards mental health. Judy and her team are training the GP commissioners for mental health, Learning Disabilities and Dementia from East Anglia to Kent to Cornwall. In addition, they have been supporting a range of mental health service providers and often facilitating between commissioners and providers to make sure service users get a better deal.

Judy is an accredited assessor for the Myers Brigg Type Indicator and has qualified as a Thinking Environment Consultant with Nancy Kline and a Transitions Consultant with William Bridges in the US. Judy was a non-executive director in the NHS for twelve years with two hospitals and a Primary Care Trust. Prior to starting her own business, she held senior roles in local government including Head of HR for Education in Kent County Council and Advisor to the Deputy Chief Executive. Before this, Judy worked for BP for seventeen years in a variety of personnel, industrial relations and legal roles. Judy has a degree in Business Studies and is a qualified Barrister, specialising in Employment Law. She has recently co-authored a book about the development and future of commissioning in health and social care. Judy is also the founder of the ANKLE Women’s Leadership Network.

Catherine Eden

Catherine Eden is a Director of Cumberlege Eden & Partners. She has operational responsibility for the running of the business and ensuring delivery of all projects. Catherine specialises in translating concepts to reality; taking a client brief, developing an approach and working with the client to ensure all expectations are met and as far as possible, exceeded.
She has spent much of the past 20 years working with, for and around politicians at all levels of government; local, national and European. Catherine started her career in local government before spending three years working as the political and constituency manager for a Member of the European Parliament in London and Brussels. She then worked for a UK-wide health charity as their Parliamentary Relations Manager. As part of her role, she managed an All-Party Parliamentary Group through which she met Julia Cumberlege with whom she co-owns the business. After six years with the charity, she worked as a PCT manager in the South West of England focussing on patient and public engagement before starting her current role in 2010.

Peter Westland

Peter Westland has had a long career in local government and health. He was a Director of Social Services in several London boroughs, then represented local government in negotiations with central Government, before becoming an inspector at various health and social care regulatory bodies, such as the Commission for Social Care Inspection. He was a member of the King’s Fund Commission on Primary Care in London. Peter is an interested and experienced patient advocate. He takes part in NHS ‘mystery shopping’ events and contributes to patient strategies at several health organisations in London. He is also a Trustee of the charity Action on Elder Abuse.

Dr Barbara Batty

Barbara Batty has been GP Principal in South Oxfordshire for 23 years, now working two days a week in practice. She was the deputy clinical director for the SW locality of Oxfordshire CCG until April 2014. She now works two days a week at the CCG, currently as Clinical Director for Urgent Care and also as clinical lead for Older Peoples Outcome Based Commissioning. Barbara is particularly motivated by the opportunity that involvement in clinical commissioning gives to improve the quality and cost effectiveness of care to patients. She was involved in the development of the award-winning Abingdon Emergency Multidisciplinary Unit.

Meeting organised by BSR and MSD and fully funded by MSD
5/16- RHEU-1143690-0006 Date of preparation: May 2015