2016 CGA Gas Measurement and Regulation School

June 13th - 16th
 Delta Regina


2016 CGA Gas Measurement & Regulation School Program
Paradigm Shift

Training Adviser
Gaz Métro
Michel has been a technical training adviser at Gazmetro since 2007. Michel is a specialized tech. instructor in advanced pressure regulating. He is also instructor to the newly hired junior technicians that repair and maintain the distribution and transmission network pipeline. This is all part of Gazmetro’s pipeline management and maintenance training program. Michel also works with engineering as tech support and is involved in the production of working procedure manuals used by the technicians in the field. Before Gazmetro, Michel worked as an automated systems electro-mechanic (sometimes called robotics) for 20 years and was specialized in pneumatic automation environments. Finally, he worked between 2003 and 2007 as a teacher instructor in automated systems at the best rated trade school in Quebec.