Asheville, NC

February 27-28, 2020

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Be a part of Symposium!

Help make Symposium an unforgettable event by participating in the following ways:

  • School Tours: Showcase your school and its fantastic leadership culture for the attendees at Symposium.
  • Breakout Sessions: If you have great ideas and experiences implementing Leader in Me, we'd love to have you share your findings in a breakout session.
  • Student Leadership: Do you know a student who is a great speaker? Or would your students like to be greeters? They can participate in Symposium as well!
  • Volunteering: Lend your time helping staff Symposium


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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I submit an application? 

Go to the Application Links section. Select the application type you would like to submit, and fill in the appropriate information.


What is the deadline to submit an application? 

The deadline to submit applications is January 6. 


What happens if I missed the deadline and still want to submit an application?

Once the deadline has passed, applications will be waitlisted. If you would like to be considered to participate, you must do so before the deadline.


When will I hear if my application has been accepted or rejected?

The review process will begin as soon as the deadline has passed. The full process takes approximately two weeks. At that time, you will hear either a confirmation or denial for your application. 


How will I know if my application has been accepted?

Approximately two weeks after the deadline date, emails will go out confirming either the acceptance or rejection of your application.


What if I want to make a change to my application after I submit it?

Once you have submitted your application, you will not be able to go back and edit it. You can view what you submitted under the My Applications tab. If information is incorrect or you need to change something, please reach out to the Leader in Me Event Team at