State of Creativity Forum 2012
Click on the booth map below to download a PDF copy
Exhibitor Listing by Booth Number
 First Floor

100 - Shiloh Camp
101 - Science Museum Oklahoma
103 - Frankfurt Short Bruza
104 - JoinSpeaker
105 - Destination Imagination
106 - Water4 Foundation
107 - DaVinci Institute
109 - Abrakadoodle OKC
110 - Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma
111 - Oklahoma Afterschool
112 - Yelp- OKC
113 - USAO
114 - A+ Schools
115 - Astec Charter Schools
116 - Oklahoma Student
           Inventors Exposition
117 - Red Earth
118 - ACM@UCO
119 - Firehouse Art Center/
           Sooner Theater
120 - [Artspace] at Untitled
121 - Oklahoma Inventors Congress
122 - Crea Conference
123 - Oklahoma Inventors Congress
124 - FIRST Robotics
125 - techJOYnt Education Foundation
126 - FIRST Robotics
127 - Harvey Pratt Artist
128 - OK POP
129 - World Neighbors
130 - OPUBCO Communications Group
131 - OVAC
132 - OPUBCO Communications Group

Second Floor

200 - Foursight
201 - Foursight
202 - TEDxOU
203 - Creative Oklahoma, Inc.
204 - Martin Bionics
205 - This Land Press
206 - Riata Center for Entrepreneurship
207 - Oklahoma State University
208 - OG&E
210 - University of Central Oklahoma
211 - OSLEP
213 - Oklahoma Christian University
214 - Grace Grothaus LLC
215 - Grace Grothaus LLC
216 - Chickasaw Nation
217 - Chickasaw Nation
Bookstore & Book Signing -
     Full Circle Books