CDW Data Center

Keynote: Johna Till Johnson
CEO and Founder
Nemertes Research

Johna Till Johnson is CEO and Senior Founding Partner of Nemertes Research, where she sets research direction and works with strategic clients. She has decades of experience in technology design, deployment, and operations. Under her leadership, Nemertes has emerged as a leading trusted advisor to Fortune-50 and other world-class organizations. A widely regarded expert, Johna regularly speaks at numerous trade shows, conferences, and seminars, including Navigator360, IDG’s IT Roadmap, and Interop. She also writes an incisive column in Network World. Johna draws upon diverse experience prior to founding Nemertes in 2002. She served as chief technology officer (CTO) at Greenwich Technology Partners, an infrastructure consulting and engineering firm; headed the Global Networking Strategies Service business unit of META Group; and oversaw the lab-testing program at Data Communications magazine. She also has designed and developed security, speech-synthesis, and free-space laser products at companies including Mosler Security Systems and Digitus Corp. Johna holds a bachelor of science degree in electrical engineering/computer science (BSEE/CS) from The Johns Hopkins University, has conducted graduate work in nuclear and particle physics at the University of Rochester, speaks three languages, and has published a science fiction novel.

Moderator: Lane Cooper
Contributing Editor
CIO magazine, Computerworld, Network World

Lane F. Cooper has 20 years of experience as a researcher, reporter and editor analyzing the business and technology industry.  Lane has organized and moderated many live and online events and works with a variety of high-tech clients and CIO magazine to ensure that the information presented is interesting to an audience of sophisticated technology buyers and implementers.  In addition to moderating, Lane has a message management and media coaching practice and has worked with organizations like BEA, Microsoft, Symantec, Trend Micro among others.  Numerous news services and magazines that have carried his by-line include: TechWeb, Optimize, Information Week, Telephony,, Communications Week, ComWeek International, Network World, Byte Magazine and Enterprise Systems Journal.  He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he is the Editorial Director of BizTechReports.Com, an independent reporting agency that analyzes user trends in business technology.