CMA NS - Excel Budgeting and Forecasting
CMA PD Series:

Excel Budgeting and Forecasting Techniques

Recent research reveals that nearly 75 per cent of Canadian companies use Microsoft Excel as their primary budgeting and forecasting tool, but many lack the proper training to use it effectively.

This full-day course is designed to provide participants with the technical knowledge and skills necessary to use Microsoft Excel more efficiently and with greater accuracy. This course provides real world examples developed for accountants in the following six major topic areas: collaboration; integrating and manipulating data from external sources, consolidating budgetary data, summarizing and analyzing data with PivotTables, forecasting revenues and expenses using linear  regression and other techniques, and understanding how to build complex budgets.

This course is recommended to all business professionals that use Excel in budgeting and forecasting. Participants will have access to sample data files.