Precognitive Communication  was created by New Zealander David Dickson.   

He spent over 20 years researching personality profiling systems and communication models from around the world.

Using his kiwi ingenuity he developed this simple and profoundly  effective communication tool called "DOTS™ "

He identified 4 styles of communication, gave each a colour and called them DOTS.

The objective of "DOTS™ "  is to understand your combination of dots  to enable you to communicate more openly, effectively and honestly. 

The "DOTS " tool is quickly learnt, understood and able to be practically applied immediately.  

Everyone is a combination of the "DOTS™ "

Truly effective communication is about having an awareness of yourself and others.

DOTS allow you to take an honest look at what you can do to improve your part of any communication.
DOTS is learning how not to rub people up the wrong way
DOTS is about building rapport with people- at home - work -play
DOTS allow you to NOT have to assume or judge but to be fully aware

 DOTS™ will teach you

How you like to be communicated with
How you prefer information to be delivered
How you process information
How you listen
How you question


Your organisation will increase productivity. For sales and customer focused organisations this will optimise customer relations.
Your meetings will be more effective.
people will work to their strengths and appreciate the strength of others.

Imagine understanding your natural strengths and the natural strengths of your team or family and being able to play to them.