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Pay Education Sessions

Wednesday, 7 June

2:30PM - Welcome & "Pay" Primer (for all attendees) 
Travel industry guru Johnny Thorsen will provide us with a "Pay" Primer to help you become more familiar with common pay terms and definitions that will be relevant tomorrow and beyond.

Greeley Koch, Executive Director, Association of Corporate Travel Executives
Johnny Thorsen, Senior Director, Mobile Services, SAP Mobile Services and ACTE Board of Directors

3:00PM - 4:30 PM Getting Started: Crystalizing your Pay Direction (Buyers, Travel Managers & Corporate Practitioners Only)
Hear about current and emerging (and sometimes confusing) Pay options and potential obstacles that may benefit your unique program. Meet peers who are working through similar scenarios to your own; and will become your best network resources as your Pay initiatives get underway. Work with your peers to begin identifying the key elements that you will need to evaluate and consider as you begin to develop your game plan. Bring your colleagues from other departments (accounting, IT, treasury,  finance, etc.) and get all of your key players aligned from the start.

3:00PM - A deeper dive into the key elements of pay and gain insights on the industry hurdles that are making virtual card implementation challenging for many corporate buyers.Session presented in collaboration with HRS – Global Hotel Solutions.

3:45PM - Targeted networking will help you meet peers whose programs are at a comparable stage of implementation to your own. This unique opportunity is designed to bring your key stakeholders together with those from other corporations who are undertaking similar initiatives so you can build the relationships that will help you avoid pitfalls along your journey.

Thursday, 8 June

General Session:
9:15AM - Pay Trends: What's Blockchain Got to Do With It?

Blockchain has been touted as the largest business disruptor since the creation of the Internet. Join Patricia Partelow as she speaks on this important topic and shares:
  • What is blockchain (and what is not)
  • Some current and future use cases
  • What it means to your travel program (what you should be doing now)
Patricia Partelow, Global Digital Strategy Commerce, Payments & Technology Innovation Leader, IBM Global Business Services

Choose a Learning Track: 

11:00AM - Issues of Today Track: How to Get Buy In for Pay Solutions

In order to most effectively win the buy-in and support of your internal stakeholders; it is essential to work with Accounting, Finance, IT, and others from the outset. We’ll bring together a number of those representatives to demonstrate the types of conversations that your cross-departmental Pay team should be having. Bring your reps from those other departments to observe this ‘eye-opening’ session and pave the way for smoother conversations once your return to the office, so that you can implement your new Pay solutions most efficiently and effectively.

11:00AM - Challenges of Tomorrow Track: What's It Worth? Discovering Digital Currencies

Yes, you can pay with Bitcoin for everything from pizza to airline services today. The list of merchants who accept it keeps growing. Modern travellers demand digital wallets and digital currencies such as Bitcoin and other options. Join this session for a fascinating look at a whole new world.

General Session:

12:30PM - Declutter the Complexity: Virtual Payments and The Smart Future
Push away the clutter and break down the complexities to make sense of virtual payments. We’ll also explore how advancements in “smart” technologies will simplify, streamline, and enhance your travel program and processes.

Choose a Learning Track:

1:30PM - Issues of Today Track: Virtual Cards: It Takes a Village (Part 1)

Understanding the players; how to evaluate the options to determine which is best for your company's scenario; generally addressing the most common and biggest challenges (pros/cons) of moving to virtual cards today.

Teri Adams, Americas' Traveler Experience Manager, Global Procurement Services (GPS),Cisco Systems
Ryan Pierce, Americas Travel Manager, Salesforce
Adam Smith, Commercial Card Manager, Microsoft
Luis Yofe, SVP, CSI globalVCard Travel

1:30PM - Challenges of Tomorrow Track: The Smart Future: Smart Expense, Smart Contracts and Beyond…

Emerging and future technologies will power contracts that are self-thinking and self-regulating; and will trigger transactions to happen instantly and digitally. Smart tools will fully automate all elements of expense reporting and auditing. Plus, new tools will make compliance frictionless by leveraging enhanced personalization, and more. Delve into this ‘smart world’ and discover what blockchain and other “smart” advancements will bring to the travel world in the next few years and beyond.

Patricia Partelow, Global Digital Strategy Commerce, Payments & Technology Innovation Leader, IBM Global Business Services

Choose a Learning Track:

2:30PM - Issues of Today Track: Virtual Cards: It Takes a Village (Part 2)

Digging into implementation: What's a best-case scenario of implementation 'done right'? How did they do it; and what made it successful and helped them minimize the pitfalls?

Teri Adams, Americas' Traveler Experience Manager, Global Procurement Services (GPS),Cisco Systems
Ryan Pierce, Americas Travel Manager, Salesforce
Adam Smith, Commercial Card Manager, Microsoft
Luis Yofe, SVP, CSI globalVCard Travel

2:30PM - Challenges of Tomorrow Track: What's It Worth? Discovering Digital Currencies

Yes, you can pay with Bitcoin for everything from pizza to airline services today. The list of merchants who accept it keeps growing. Modern travellers demand digital wallets and digital currencies such as Bitcoin and other options. Join this introductory session for a fascinating look at a whole new world.

General Session

3:45PM - Pay Hack-A-Thon & Wrap Up
A real programmer will collect attendee input to build a Smart Contract right before your eyes! Guaranteed to create an "AH-HA!" moment and leave you with a new perspective on how data will be leveraged, and how the future of pay will look and feel. 

Co-Hosted by: 
John Packel, Software Engineer / Entrepreneur / Angel Investor
Johnny Thorsen, Senior Director, Mobile Services, SAP Mobile Services and ACTE Board of Directors

All subjects, and session details subject to change. There is no individual session registration.