NIADA Certified Master Dealer Class (February 9-11, 2017)
Meet Joe Lescota...
Joe Lescota, NIADA Director of Dealer Development, is a car guy.
Although he served as the Chairman of the Automotive Marketing Department of Northwood University in Midland Michigan, for 15 years, he learned the car business from the ground up.

He began in sales in Jacksonville, Florida in 1976, with Key-Royal Automotive Company. During his journey through the industry, he has filled all dealership management positions, including that of a dealer operator. He quickly gained a reputation for developing innovative management techniques leading to reduced employee turnover and increased customer retention and satisfaction.

Joe is highly regarded in the auto industry for his extensive knowledge and research in the retail used vehicle market and is frequently published in professional and national news reports. He is often a presenter at industry conferences and conducts workshops throughout the U.S. and Canada.

More than once he received the Northwood University Faculty Excellence Awards and was the recipient of the Association of Finance and Insurance Professionals (AFIP) “2006 Man of Year Award” for his contributions and support of continued learning and professionalism in the field of Finance and Insurance and was named to the NIADA Ring of Honor in 2011.