2015 Annual Leadership Conference

To aid attendees interested in focusing on specific topics, clinic sessions are organized into the following categories:

Governance and Executive Leadership—Effective leadership skills are necessary to transform public education. Learn how to align resources to the achievement of district standards and priorities, get updates on legal decisions impacting education, understand education reform, collaborate with diverse stakeholders and make better personal use of technology.

Innovations in District Management (Including Collaboration and Resource Sharing)—Learn how to deal creatively and collaboratively with economic challenges, diminishing resources and local bond initiatives.

School Board/Superintendent/Community Partnerships—Learn the different roles and responsibilities of the board and superintendents, as well as how to collaborate and develop long-term successful relationships inside and outside the system.

Student Achievement, Accountability and Data—Understand and use data to inform strategy and board decision. Gain an understanding of the conditions that optimize teaching and learning, narrow or eliminate the achievement gap, improve accountability and foster continuous improvement within a system.

Student, Family, Community, Wellness and Environment—Support, environment and wellness profoundly affect student outcomes. Learn about factors that support and hinder these critical inputs to student learning, as well as strategies to address challenges.

Technology + Learning Solutions—Technology is transforming how students learn. Learn about emerging research and technologies, practical strategies and real-life solutions.

View the Clinic Sessions and other educational opportunities here.