2nd San Raffaele OCT Forum


NoteThe Scientific Committee will accept only clinical cases

1. The title of the clinical case must be entered in CAPITAL LETTERS;

2. The text must fit entirely in the rectangular space allotted on this form;

3. The lines must be single-spaced;

4All fields must be entered;

5. Personal data refers to those of the First Author;

6. The name of the First Author must be repeated in the "Authors" field too;

7. All authors' names and first author's name must be entered as follows: INITIAL. SURNAME (e.g. J. Smith);

8. In case of more than one affiliation please indicate them in the proper field, following the order pointed out for each of the authors: (e.g. Authors: J. Smith 1, F. Lewis 2, A. Burton 3 Affiliation: 1 Saint Paul Hospital 2 Cambridge University 3 Oxford University);

9. Clinical Cases need to be structured and to include the following sections:

a) Brief Introduction;
b) Case report;
c) Conclusion(s);

1 image and 1 table allowed

10Please note that, if you do not received the email of submission confirmation after filling in the Abstract form, it means that you have not submitted your abstract correctly. Please, repeat the operation.


The decision on acceptance and the preliminary program will be made by the scientific committee.

At least one of the authors has to be registered to the conference otherwhise the abstract will be declined.

All accepted clinical cases must be presented and discussed.