NYSAEYC 2016 Annual Conference
Workshop Listing

Updated: April 1, 2016

**Please check back regularly for the most updated list of workshops for our 2016 Annual Conference.**

7:30 pm - 8:30 pmTALK TO ME: Giving Voice to Characters and Children
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Judy Schachner, Author/Illustrator
With over 20 award-winning picture books to her credit, Judy Schachner has learned a thing or two about creating characters that both children and grown-ups love. Come and listen to her humorous, heartfelt tale about the voices she hears in her head and the stories that give voice to her fans.

7:00 am - 8:00 amMandated Reporter Training: Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse
Town of Rye I
Lisa Chrapowicz
Do you know about the responsibilities and your role as a Mandated Reporter? Child care providers are "mandated" by law to report cases of suspected child abuse and maltreatment. This training will provide information regarding identification of physical and behavioral indicators, as well as a description of the legal framework for the NYS Child Protection System.
7:00 am - 8:00 amUnintended Hidden Messages In Our Early Childhood Classroom Libraries
Town of Rye II
Erica Vernold Miller
What unintended hidden messages are lurking in your classroom library? This presentation takes a critical look at the quality of the children’s literature found in our early childhood classroom libraries and the unintended hidden messages that the inclusion and/or exclusion of particular texts send to our students and their families.
7:00 am - 8:00 amMovement Games for Social/Academic Development
Grand Ballroom North
Eric Gidseg
Research (educational and neuro-biological) and experience have demonstrated the importance of movement in the education and development of young children. Additionally, there is a clear link between movement and language development. In this workshop you will learn how you can bring games, songs and chants into your work with children as well as the compelling reasons for this. Be prepared to have fun while learning activities that can enrich children's learning and development.
8:30 am - 9:30 amThe Link to Academic Success: Understanding Play, the Brain, and Outdoors
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Dr. Marcy Guddemi, National Consultant
Academic success starts with pretend play in the great outdoors! This session will focus on why all play is important, but not all play is of equal value; why the new neuroscience on brain development supports pretend play; and how the elements found in the outdoors encourage mature, intentional socio-dramatic play among children.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmChildren's Program Administrator Credential: You Can Do It!
William Odelle
Lynda Merchant
This workshop will be an investigation of the procedure for applying for the Children's Program Administrator Credential offered by the New York State Association for the Education of Young Children. A completed portfolio will be shared and participants will explore one of the credential topics in detail.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmHow to Reach Students on the Autism Spectrum AND the Parents Who Come With Them
Westchester Ballroom 4D
Barbara Boroson
This dynamic session provides practical strategies to help young students on the autism spectrum meet the behavioral, social, and many other challenges of the inclusive classroom. Through compelling professional and personal anecdotes, this session also explores the precarious relationship between educators and parents, providing effective, empathic ways to broach difficult subjects and facilitate meaningful collaboration.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmLearning to Love Leadership
Elija Budd
Tammy Wagner
This workshop is designed to inspire early childhood professionals to embrace leadership. By learning about different management styles, early childhood professionals will walk away with a knowledge of how to tailor their approach to the variety of situations dealt with on a daily basis in the early childhood world.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmBusy Brains: Brains at Work, Brains at Play
Westchester Ballroom 3A
Eileen Hall
Overview of general brain development, typical development and the impact of stress and trauma. Strategies will be offered for fostering resiliency, higher level thinking skills, facilitation of learning and problem solving through play and appropriate program design. Slides of photographs of young children engaged in activities will focus small group discussions on methodologies for implementing the strategies.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmSTEAM IT UP: Exploring STEM Concepts through the Arts
John Brundage
Joan Koster
This hands-on multimedia, multi-sensory workshop will present ways to design and carry out developmentally appropriate science, technology, engineering and mathematical learning activities through the arts. Participants will participate in a variety of STEAM activities and leave with an appreciation for children’s need for sensory experiences, have the planning tools required, and the enthusiasm and passion for creating their own.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmA More Effective Independent Early Childhood Mentoring/Coaching/Consulting Practice
Robert Barttell
Ellen (Jaffe) Cogan
Maintaining an independent practice requires skills and knowledge beyond ECE and clients, contracts, ownership of content, fees and payment, referrals, and definition of outcomes are some issues. Clarification before acceptance of the assignment helps us to help clients set realistic priorities and goals for our services and we will share expertise, sample contracts, issues and questions.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmFostering Language Development
Westchester Ballroom 6D
Kathleen Kiblin
Language Development is critical to children's literacy learning. Listening carefully to children's language helps us understand their thinking. Participants will examine ways to promote children's language and thinking through the classroom environment, intentional planning and good literature.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmMusic, Movement and Body Percussion
Grand Ballroom North
Donna Longdon
Together we will explore movement in new ways. We will use music and movement as a community builder and experience using our bodies and voices to create our own body percussion orchestral pieces. Participants will have an array of activities to implement with children that will create a fun learning experience melding mind, body and rhythm.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmPromoting Positive Behavior
Town of Rye II
Lisa Tazartes
Children use challenging behaviors to communicate when the demands of their environment are misaligned with their social, emotional, or adaptive capacities. This session will introduce a toolbox to help educators enhance social and emotional skills and reduce exclusionary discipline practices that includes strategies for: role modeling, strengthening relationships, communicating clear expectations, establishing structures and routines, and adapting to individual needs.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmIt's Your Choice: Healthy or Toxic for Children
Westchester Ballroom 5D
Sue Kowaleski
Heather Schwegler, Board Member, Family Child Care Association of NYS
We can take steps to protect children where they live, learn and play. Understanding some of the children's products that can be harmful is the first step. Learn which materials may contribute to ill health effects, where toxicants can be found, and steps to protect children. This Eco Healthy Child Care® workshop will prepare you to make informed choices for children.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmGreat Expectations: Reading and Writing in a Preschool Program
John Halsted
Elaine Trotta
During this workshop participants will review the components of literacy and discuss how they are implementing and scheduling activities throughout the day and how what they are doing relates to the Foundation for the Common Core for Prekindergarten. We will focus on the learning environment, materials, interactions and observations as they relate to early childhood.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmThe NYS Freedom of Movement Certification Program
Ann Fraser, Infant and Toddler Specialist, Child Care Coordinating Council of the North Country
Sarah Gould-Houde, Infant Toddler Specialist, CDCCCC
Investigate the benefits of maximum gross motor development in helping an infant to become self-confident, secure, and happy. Plan how to design care spaces to implement freedom of movement. Examine the newly established freedom of movement checklists and learn how to become a Freedom of Movement Certified program.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmNew York's Early Childhood Advisory Council: “A Conversation About Early Childhood Services System Building in New York State"
Sherry Cleary, Co-Chair Early Childhood Advisory Council, New York Early Childhood Professional Development Initiative
Patricia Persell, Co-Chair Early Childhood Advisory Council, NYS Council on Children and Families
The presenters will discuss and provide handouts on the work of the Early Childhood Advisory Council (ECAC) to build a high-quality system of supports and services for young children and their families. They will then lead a discussion about issues that participants are facing and how the ECAC can help them and their community initiatives succeed in their work.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmMaintain Files That Make Your Licensor Smile
Lori Smith, HR Coordinator and PreSchool Director, Cub Care Children's Center
Take the stress out of your next OCFS file review with this no panic approach to compliance focusing on staff orientation, employee/child documentation & file maintenance. We'll walk through a Quality Stars NY participating centers current internal system and provide you with templates, examples and resources to help you create a similar process to fit your needs.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmBounces for Babies and Tunes for Tots
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Hugh Hanley, ECE Music/Play Specialist, Circle of Songs
In this workshop for infant and toddler teachers we’ll explore the joys and challenges of engaging these youngest children in music/play and the many ways that they benefit from a hands-on music/play experience in their early years. Teachers will come away with a repertoire of developmentally-appropriate bounces, songs and activities, and techniques for using them in the daily curriculum.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmPartnering for Social Emotional Supports
Elizabeth Isakson MD, Co-Director , Docs for Tots
This workshop will be addressing social emotional concerns in child care. In this program we will be discussing key ways in which partnering with other community organizations my help children at risk for social emotional difficulties, and how they may be supported.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmWhat is QUALITYstarsNY?
Town of Rye I
Ariel Davis, Project Coordinator, QualityStarsNY
Mary Hayes, Quality Improvement Manager, QualityStarsNY
Wondering how to get your program ready for QUALITYstarsNY? In this session, two Quality Improvement Specialists will discuss their approaches towards preparing programs for successful Self-study and Rating experiences and leveraging existing resources for program improvement. A panel of current QUALITYstarsNY participants will add invaluable insight to the session by discussing their first-hand experiences and offering helpful strategies and “lessons learned.”
10:30 am - 12:00 pmThe Character Bible: Collecting and Collaging Your Way to Story, Voice, and Character
Westchester Ballroom B
Judy Schachner, Author/Illustrator
A collector of patterned papers, magazine photos, sketches, bits of ephermera, vocabulary words and quotes, award-winning author/illustrator, Judy Schachner, will share her process for creating books for children. It is a no pressure process that will inspire students to think outside the box and have fun with all kinds of writing projects.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmWhat Will My Day Be Like Today?
Teresa Adell, Group Family Daycare Provider (GFDC)
Each day is different when working with young children. What is your day like? This workshop will show effective ways to manage the behavior in your program by using seven basic principles while helping children learn that they are lovable and capable.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmBuilding Family Connections
Westchester Ballroom C
Marilyn Ballard
A strong relationship between families and caregivers is the cornerstone of a quality program. Oftentimes providers feel unappreciated and taken advantage of. We will be exploring ways both families and providers feel valued and respected. You will leave having the tools to immediately use in your program to begin building those bridges between your program and home.
12:30 pm - 1:15 pmAfterSchool Works! NY Lunch and Learn
Lynn Siebert, Director of Education Services, Capital District Child Care Council
Come to this workshop to learn the value of becoming a member of AfterSchool Works! NY, how you can get more involved with ASW and most importantly, learn about our great quality initiatives such as Accreditation and Credentialing.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmYogarate
Grand Ballroom North
Ron Shuali M. Ed., President, Creator, Author
(Pronounced Yoga-Rah-Tay) The participants will be introduced to a movement system that incorporates age appropriate martial arts and yoga while teaching essential life skills like respect and belly breathing. The Yogarate class begins with the high-energy & respect-filled martial arts class and will flow smoothly into yoga with sun salutations finished with a calming meditation. By the end of the workshop, the participants will be able to teach a full 30 minute Yogarate class. Namastahyah!
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmUsing Pretend Play as a Valuable Tool for Children’s Learning
Diana Webb
Children need pretend play to work out problems and develop strong social/emotional, language and cognitive skills. In this workshop we will discuss and experience pretend play and process all of the wonderful things that can be learned when children have time for self-directed, imaginative play.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmWhat's the Weather at Your Center? Looking at Your Organizational Climate
Elija Budd
Debbie Silver
Each child care program has a unique personality and characteristics that affect the quality of work life for staff. This workshop, based on the work of Paula Jorde Bloom, will look at what makes up the organizational climate in your program, how to measure it and how improving it can increase staff morale, enhance program quality and perhaps even reduce teacher turnover!
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmNew York State Pyramid Model Implementation
Westchester Ballroom C
Patty Persell
Learn about the statewide implementation of the Pyramid Model. The goal is to increase the number of high quality early childhood trainers and coaches providing professional development to the early childhood workforce on social and emotional practices and partnering with families to support all children in developing social skills and positive relationships.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmGreen Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfecting in Early Care and Education
Town of Rye II
Carol Westinghouse
Research has shown that some cleaning products used in child care programs contain chemicals that can cause asthma or trigger asthma episodes as well as other health issues. Children are particularly vulnerable to health effects from exposure to chemicals in cleaning products because of their size, stage of development and behaviors. Learn how to keep your facility cleaned, sanitized and disinfected without using hazardous products that are associated with asthma.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmStrengthening Bonding and Attachment through Mutual Music Making for At-Risk Infants and Toddlers
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Elizabeth Schwartz
The grownup/child bond is a critical component in early development. Mutual music making provides multi-layered opportunities to promote interaction, engagement, bonding and attachment for at-risk infants and toddlers and their grownups. This session will present current research on music and early attachment; outline specific qualities of music that foster bonding; and demonstrate music interventions and strategies that early childhood professionals can easily incorporate in their programs.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmNew York's Child Care & Development Fund Plan for FY 2016-2018: A Closer Look Into the Impact on Child Care in New York State
Westchester Ballroom B
Janice Molnar
The Office of Children and Family Services has submitted New York State's Child Care and Development Fund (CCDF) Plan for FY 2016-2018 to the Administration of Children and Families. The Plan focuses on the key areas addressed in the Child Care and Development Fund Block Grant (CCDBG) Act of 2014 and potential impacts on child care providers. This presentation will provide an overview of New York's CCDF Plan and proposed changes to Child Care Services in New York State.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmOpen-Ended Art: Challenges and Solutions for Directors
Westchester Ballroom 4D
Mary Ellen Bardsley
Despite the promotion of open-ended art in the field of early childhood, teacher-directed crafts are still pervasive in early childhood programs. This interactive presentation will explore the value of open-ended art with an eye on professional standards and respond to challenges offered by practitioners.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmWriting a Mini Grant
Robert Barttell
Valerie Halla, Mini Grant Chair, NYSAEYC
Do you have an idea that could turn into an exciting project for a project but are short on funds? Then this is the workshop for you! All NYSAEYC members are eligible to apply for up to $500 to implement a project in their classroom or program. Come find out how to apply for a NYSAEYC Mini grant. We will guide you through the process.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFindings of the Higher Education Inventory
Sherry Cleary, Co-Chair Early Childhood Advisory Council, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
The ECAC commissioned a study of New York State’s early childhood higher education and will share the findings and lead a discussion about the future of workforce development and higher education in New York. The ECAC is interested to hear what providers across the state need from our institutions of higher education to strengthen and deepen the skills that teachers and leaders need to support our youngest children in all early childhood settings.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmFrom Your Arms to Mine
Colleen Farrell M.S. Ed, Infant Toddler Specialist, Child Care Council of Suffolk
All children enter your program with a family. To best serve the infants and toddlers in your care, you must develop meaningful partnerships with their families. Throughout this session, we will first discuss the three critical qualities that families look for in a caregiver as defined by The Program for Infant Toddler Care (PITC). We will then analyze characteristics of a strong partnership and the importance of maintaining the relationship when caring for their infant or toddler. Lastly, we will discuss effective strategies for resolving conflict.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmBeyond Beautiful Smiles: Oral Health in the Child Care Setting
Melinda Clark, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Albany Medical Center
Tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of childhood and insufficient access to oral health services is a reality for many young children. This workshop will review the vital role of child care setting in the primary prevention of oral health diseases and participants will discuss best practices and opportunities for oral health promotion, screening and referral.
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmMultilingual Matters for Early Childhood Educators
Westchester Ballroom 6D
Teresa Signorelli
The proposed talk will address the differences in mono- versus bilingual language development, the knowledge and skills needed to work with children from multilingual/multicultural backgrounds, an overview of legal and best-practices issues, and best practices for assessment such as ethnographic interviewing and dynamic assessment.
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmDisability Sensitivity
John Brundage
Caroline Doty
hand some of the most typical disabilities encountered in mainstream education. Participants will learn about basic functional impairments that many people with disabilities encounter. Ideas on ways to remain sensitive to a student's disability without defining the child through the disability will be discussed.
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmTeacher Language & Young Children’s Socio-Emotional Development
Westchester Ballroom 3A
Liege Motta, Adjunct Lecturer, The City College of New York, CUNY
Best practices in early childhood settings rest on a double foundation of relationships and language. Teachers have multiple responsibilities when choosing how to speak with children. We will explore these responsibilities, examine common language habits, and discuss ways to ask good questions that help develop higher-order thinking skills as well as model and scaffold clear, respectful, and responsive language.
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmBuilding Strong Leaders
Amanda Meeson, VP of Programming, The Leadership Program
Participants will assess and develop their own personal strengths and areas of growth as a leader while exploring how to effectively lead others as we work to develop a pipeline of leaders within our schools and organizations. Techniques and strategies will include observation and assessment tools, effective communication tips and recipes for developing effective and engaging team-time and professional development.
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmBudgeting for Child Care Programs
John Halsted
Tom Copeland, Trainer, Author, Advocate, VOICE/CSEA
This workshop will help both centers and homes better manage their money by creating and monitoring a budget. Participants will learn how to set and meet financial goals through a budget, control expenses, and plan ahead.
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmNAEYC Accreditation Boot Camp
William Odelle
Stephanie Dockweiler, NYS Accreditation Chairperson
Camille Lachar-Lofaro, Vice President, QS2 Training and Consulting
Get in shape to lead your program through the NAEYC Accreditation System. Report for duty to learn: the four steps of NAEYC accreditation, timelines, portfolios: classroom and program, surveys: family and staff, the visit to your program, and we'll provide answers to all your questions!
1:30 pm - 5:00 pmRelationships and the Data Cycle
Westchester Ballroom 5D
Lisa Beck, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
In this workshop, participants will humanize the data cycle, by looking at the critical role relationships play in observation, recording, reflecting and planning.
2:00 pm - 5:00 pmUsing the Core Body of Knowledge (CBK) to Supervise Staff and Identify Professional Development Needs
Town of Rye I
Dana Benzo, Project Coordinator, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
The Core Body of Knowledge (CBK) provides a framework for supervisors to evaluate performance of individual staff and supports the planning of professional development to ensure that it is intentional and relevant to the strengths, interests, and needs of each teacher. Using the CBK Assessment and Professional Development Planning Tool, we will analyze various video clips to gather information to guide supervisory discussions, performance appraisals, and professional development plans.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmPlaying the Assessment Game
Robert Barttell
Debbie Johnson
We will learn some basic games that can be used in a variety of ways to assess skills as they are being played. Games will include board games, and movement games that can be played with older toddlers, preschoolers and Kindergarteners.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmSing It!: Exploring Folk Music in the Early Childhood Classroom
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Caroline Moore
Ingrid Ladendorf, Program Director, Summer Music Institute Director, The Diller-Quaile School of Music: Early Childhood Advisor, Rug Concerts
Marissa Curry, The Diller-Quaile School of Music: Director of the Early Childhood Program
In this workshop, we will explore the natural abilities of the very young child singer, and will showcase activities designed to build community, develop musical understanding, explore personal expression, and support the development of healthy, age-appropriate singing. World folk repertoire will provide the foundation for musical games and dances, ear-training exercises, movement, and singing. Come prepared to make music!
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmReignite Your Passion for Teaching and Learning
Chenoa Ruecking
"Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire”-William Butler Yeats. Reignite your passion for teaching and learning in order to fan the flames of knowledge for the children in your care. Learn how joining an online learning community of your peers will help you to rediscover your love of learning and help you earn your NYS Infant-Toddler, Family or Children’s Program Administrator Credential. Join us as we demonstrate the virtual classroom via web-conferencing.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmCrafting a Case for Collaborative Early Childhood Inclusive Classroom Settings: A Mosaic of Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners
Westchester Ballroom 4D
Sharon Medow
This interactive workshop will provide participants opportunities to explore inclusion as a holistic pathway for supporting young children’s diverse abilities, interests, explorations and discoveries through experiential learning. Classroom applications, literacy strategies, project based explorations, infusing hands-on activities that embed differentiation as a framework that underpins teaching and learning as reciprocal processes will be shared.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmStep by Step - Creating an Informative and OCFS Compliant Parent Handbook
Elija Budd
Deborah Fitzgerald
Your parent handbook is an important reflection of your program, home-based or center-based, and should be a professional and thoughtful resource for families. Join us today to improve your parent handbook. We will be reviewing first impressions, welcome letters, handbook structure, mission, vision and philosophy, OCFS requirements and more. If planning ahead, please bring your handbook to this session.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmSelf Care: The Secret to Success for You and Your Staff
Grand Ballroom North
Beth Bierko
As caregivers tending to the needs of young children, families, and those we employ or work with, we can forget to take care of ourselves, leaving us feeling stressed, depleted, even burned out. Experience six simple things to do to feel great and learn why offering these to your staff will benefit you, them and the children you serve.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmThe Elements of a High Quality Program
Town of Rye II
Joann Toth, Quality Improvement Specialist, QualityStarsNY
Kathy Moss, Quality Improvement Specialist, QualityStarsNY
Using the QUALITYstarsNY standards as the basis for our discussion, we will explore the elements of a high quality program. Participants will gain basic knowledge of the standards and understand how they can be used to enhance quality programming for children and their families.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmMembership in The Aspire Registry: Tools for Career Growth
Amy Ludwig, Outreach and Communications Coordinator, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
Diana Diaz, Registry Manager, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
This workshop will provide an overview of The Aspire Registry for New York’s early childhood workforce. During this interactive presentation, we will highlight how to use the tools available to Aspire members to support career growth. Topics will include: using the Aspire Statewide Training Calendar, moving up the Career Ladder, and the value of a Professional Development Record.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmChild Development: Developmental Surveillance, Screening and Referral in Early Care and Learning
Melissa Passarelli MA, Project Director of Developmental Screening, Docs for Tots
Dina Lieser, Director, Docs For Tots and Community Pediatrics, NUMC
We will share proven techniques, supports and tools to promote improved practices around developmental screening in child care. Our presentation will emphasize the relationship between early screening and referral school readiness and lifelong health as will techniques for improved communication with the medical home and enhanced parent engagement.
3:30 pm - 5:00 pmResponsive Caregiving
Jolie Ludwig, Infant Toddler Specialist
Responsive care-giving involves the creation of a safe, structured environment with predictable routines and interesting materials to explore, utilizing sensitive, caring and dependable interactions with consistent adult caregivers. During this training participants will define responsive caregiving, identify the benefits of responsive caregiving, discuss strategies for providing responsive caregiving and explore ways to connect responsive caregiving practices to instructional support strategies. They will role play the characteristics of being a responsive caregiver during routines and then reflect upon and plan their own practice.

7:00 am - 8:00 amSay It, Don't Think It
Town of Rye I
Kim stewart
Have you ever worked in a team where you feel like you do it all and your team watches you do it? This workshop will help its participants learn communication tips to get your team moving. Through interactive games, lively discussions, and taking a look in the mirror, participants will gain the skills to direct staff, listen to others effectively, and feel like their classroom teams can accomplish anything together!
7:00 am - 8:00 amPut Your Mask on First
Town of Rye II
Theresa Francois
We live in a stressful time. As teachers/caregivers, many people and situations vie for our attention. In this workshop, attendees will identify their personal stressors, recognize the symptoms of stress, participate in stress reduction exercises, and learn specific tips to de-stress their lives.
7:00 am - 8:00 amMovin’ in the Morning: Large-Motor Music/Play Movement Activities for Toddlers and Preschool
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Hugh Hanley, ECE Music/Play Specialist, Circle of Songs
Start the day with movement activities from the early childhood oral tradition. Bring your video recording device so you can learn them and use them in your early childhood classroom.
8:30 am - 10:00 amEngaging Your Mind through Creativity in Learning in Child Care
Westchester Ballroom 5D
Dr. Olga Zbarskaya
The goal of this presentation is to offer various techniques that should be incorporated in child care and professional development for the child care providers to promote their creative abilities and involvement. The offered methods evolved from many years of quantitative and qualitative research, conducted by the author, on learner engagement and creativity.
8:30 am - 10:00 amLeading a Center Where Hope Grows
Elija Budd
Kate Dust
Leading a center does not just include making sure plug covers are in place and paperwork is in order. Leading a center includes strategies where hope, happiness and health grows for all. Who you are as a leader of a center that supports changes in children's lives, difficulties your families face and the struggles of our profession has profound impact. Children, staff and families grow strong under your leadership building skills in resilience and optimism.
8:30 am - 10:00 amAuthor Studies with Preschoolers
Westchester Ballroom 4D
val halla
Learn how to get children familiar with children's books and their authors. Ideas will be given and brainstorming in small groups will be done.
8:30 am - 10:00 amSet Up for Success: Making the Most of your Toddler Classroom
Westchester Ballroom 3A
Amber Stacy
This workshop will focus on setting up your toddler environment for success and bringing out the best in your terrific twos! This workshop will include a presentation on the use of thoughtful classroom arrangement, a balanced classroom schedule design, appropriate expectations, and dynamic activities to promote engagement while preventing challenging behaviors. Small group discussions on common toddler challenges and guiding behaviors will also be included.
8:30 am - 10:00 amBecoming Your Best Self: The Social and Emotional Value of Play
William Odelle
Fern Fisher
Play skills help children become the articulate, creative, critical and flexible thinkers they will need to be to learn in school, manage in the world and lead fulfilling lives. Through playful activity we will discover ways teachers can facilitate play, foster interactive learning, increase communication, nurture resilience, support self-regulation and observe the benefits of social and emotional learning.
8:30 am - 10:00 amThe Bank Street Curriculum: Equality, Inclusion, Reflection, and Nurturing a Community
Kristina Satchell
Gabriel Guyton, Instructor, Bank Street College
Using presentation and small groups, we will offer teachers a foundation in the philosophical and methodological fabric of the Bank Street Developmental-Interaction Approach (DIA), emphasizing whole-child, relationships, environment, and teachers’ roles. Additionally, we provide practical methods to integrate DIA practice into daily interactions and environments in infant/toddler classrooms to create equal, inclusive and reflective learning environments.
8:30 am - 10:00 amCooperative Games and Activities
Grand Ballroom North
Jane Brown
Move and groove for the full 90 minutes of this workshop. Come ready to practice activities for preschool and/or school age children. Identify activities to use in your classroom that will encourage more cooperation among the children and share your cooperative activities with others.
8:30 am - 10:00 amFamily Feud: A Mandated Reporter's Review
Westchester Ballroom B
Sue Kowaleski
Heather Schwegler, Board Member, Family Child Care Association of NYS
Do you think you know everything you need to know as a mandated reporter? Test your knowledge and review the responsibilities in a game show format. And remember...never, ever shake a baby! Come join the feud!
8:30 am - 10:00 amCoaching Tools to Ignite and Sustain Staff Development
Robert Barttell
Emilie Gay
Learn coaching tools that will help you provide support and guidance to teachers moving through a change process towards greater effectiveness. Learn the three types of listening and asking powerful questions.
8:30 am - 10:00 amImprov in the Classroom: Be a Stand-Up Teacher!
Nancy Picart, Director, Small Wonders Child Care
The prepared classroom Environment is a crucial element when teaching very young children. Spontaneous and improvisational activities entice children's curiosity which enables them to approach new things in a positive way. This workshop will focus on music/movement and active play for educators which will encourage them to work with children as they joyfully explore their world with newly discovered resilience.
8:30 am - 10:00 amBuilding a Career As a Coach
Helen Frazier, Coach Coordinator, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
In this session we will discuss what makes coaching an effective form of professional development; the types of early childhood coaches (Master Teacher and other embedded coaching models, short term, long term coaches); developing your practice as a coach using the NYS Coaching Competencies and Powerful Interactions as a coaching model; and sustaining your career as a coach.
8:30 am - 10:00 amBrighten the Day with Music/Play
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Hugh Hanley, ECE Music/Play Specialist, Circle of Songs
In this workshop we’ll engage in a variety of music/play songs and activities and explore why they are beneficial to young children at different stages of their development from birth to age 6. We’ll examine the ways that teachers can use these activities in the curriculum and in their daily interactions with children.
8:30 am - 10:00 amDeveloping an Individualized Plan of Care for a Child with Special Health Care Needs
Dina Lieser, Director, Docs For Tots and Community Pediatrics, NUMC
This interactive workshop will partner Health Care Providers, Child Care Health Consultants and Early Care Providers to develop Individualized Health Care Plans for children with special health care needs. Special consideration will be provided to medication administration and communication with the child’s medical home.
8:30 am - 10:00 amLifestyles of High Quality Early Childhood Programs and the Role of Continuous Quality Improvement
Mary Hayes, Quality Improvement Manager, QualityStarsNY
Ariel Davis, Project Coordinator, QualityStarsNY
What distinguishes high quality programs from the rest? This presentation will review the key principles of continuous quality improvement and discuss how program culture and specific practices can set the bar for success and make the difference for children, families and staff. Current QUALITYstarsNY participants will enrich the discussion with reflections on their experiences and the strategies that helped them achieve their goals.
8:30 am - 10:00 amRelationships and the Data Cycle –Focus on Observation and Recording
Westchester Ballroom C
Zoraima Rosario-Rolon, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Steve Caster, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
In this workshop, participants will discuss how to use observation and recording to build stronger relationships with children.
8:30 am - 11:30 am"That's Just for Girls": Challenging and Engaging Gender Stereotypes, Expression, and Play in Early Childhood
Westchester Ballroom 6D
Katherine Schaffer, Research Associate, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
In this workshop, we will talk about gender identity development in young children. Through discussions of how rigid gender roles and stereotypes can limit children's growth and self-expression, we will collectively develop and role-play strategies to facilitate expansive gender performances and limit the perpetuation of gender stereotypes. We will also discuss how to work with family members who are struggling with their children's gender non-conforming dress or behaviors.
8:30 am - 12:00 pmPedagogy of Care: Creating Cultures of Caring
Town of Rye II
Carol Garboden Murray
Caring is the well spring of curriculum excellence. The Pedagogy of Care starts at the sink - with diaper changing, hand washing and serving food - and although these tasks are perceived as simple or mundane, caring contains the hidden power to transform our teaching into the highest educational practice.  Through interactive reflection we will discover ways to define the Pedagogy of Care and show that caring and teaching are inseparable.
8:30 am - 12:00 pmIntentional Curriculum Planning Using the NYS Early Learning Guidelines
John Brundage
Dana Benzo, Project Coordinator, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
Committed early childhood educators use the lens of child development to help chart the individual and unique path experienced by each child in the classroom. Using the NYS Early Learning Guidelines as a tool, we will analyze the development of children through video clips and then brainstorm intentional learning experiences to optimally facilitate their growth.
8:30 am - 12:00 pmTaxes and Record Keeping - 2015 and 2016
John Halsted
Tom Copeland, Trainer, Author, Advocate, VOICE/CSEA
This workshop will identify new tax rules that affect family child care providers. Participants will learn about what is deductible, the significant changes in depreciation rules, and the three most important record keeping rules for 2016.
8:30 am - 12:00 pmCuddling, Consciousness, and Cognition: The Significance of Emotional Engagement on Development and Learning
Town of Rye I
Keith Pentz, National Early Childhood Specialist, Kaplan Early Learning Company
Emotional engagement that stems from loving and caring interactions, the creation of relationships, and a stimulating environment has a direct and significant impact on a young child’s development and learning. The shaping of a “mind” and how the child will respond to life events is forever guided by the touches, gazes, caresses, cuddling, language, songs, and playful experiences during the first years of life. The society of tomorrow is being held in our arms today!
10:30 am - 12:00 pmCurb Appeal
Westchester Ballroom 5D
Connie Neuroth
First impressions are lasting impressions! What do parents see, hear and smell at that initial contact? Come learn practical ideas- based on parent feedback- on how to present yourself and your day care more professionally. Case studies, group activities and discussion.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmLearn & Play: Using Music and Movement to Educate, Entertain and Inspire Young Children
Grand Ballroom North
Beth Bierko
Come experience the joy of music. Learn how music and movement are critical tools for brain development, learning and fun. Gain confidence using music and movement to teach curriculum, assist in classroom management and build community among students, staff and families.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmIntegrating Early Identification, Behavioral Support, and Social Emotional Learning Efforts within a Multi-tiered Framework
Robert Barttell
Chris Huzinec
Young children who have challenging behavior are highly likely to continue to have problems with socialization, school success, and mental health concerns into adolescence and adulthood. This presentation examines how behavioral assessments, best practices in classroom management, evidence-based behavioral supports, and social/emotional learning instruction can be coordinated within a program wide positive behavioral support system to improve student outcomes.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmIncluding Children with Differing Abilities in Your Classroom
Westchester Ballroom 4D
Stephen Hernandez
The move towards inclusion and the increased enrollment of young children with disabilities in early childhood settings has added another dimension to the challenges of running a successful early childhood program. This presentation will discuss the best practices and identified strategies that early childhood teachers can employ in order to address the needs of diverse learners in their classroom.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmGood Leadership: Prerequisite for High-Quality Programs
Elija Budd
Toni Liebman
According to the Core Body of Knowledge, “Providing vision, expressing high expectations and demonstrating mutual respect for all parties are hallmarks of great leadership.” In a session combining lecture, discussion and activities, participants will examine and assess their leadership behavior and formulate new ways to improve the climate of their centers.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmMeeting High Standards in a Play-Based Program
William Odelle
Jackie Zaita, Early Childhood Specialist, Child Care Council of Suffolk
Emily Torres M.S. Ed, Bilingual Early Childhood Specialist, Child Care Council of Suffolk
Is Pre-K the new Kindergarten? Are you feeling pressured by parents, directors or administrators to meet the NYS Pre-K standards? Join us to explore how to apply those standards in a playful, developmentally appropriate program. We will also discuss how to communicate the connection between standards and play.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmGetting Organized
Bonnie Caldwell, Early Learning and Care Representative, CSEA
Wendy Nashid-Jackson, Early Learning and Care Representative, CSEA
Providers are responsible for lots of paperwork! This class will help you become more organized to stay in compliance with OCFS, CACFP, and DSS regulations and procedures. We will help you set up an organized system that will allow you to compile your documents and forms required by the state while easing the stress.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmHidden Hazards on the Playground
Westchester Ballroom 3A
Heather Sweet, Center Educator/Certified Playground Safety Inspector, CDCCCC
Supervising children as they explore their physical skills on the playground is one crucial part to ensuring their safety. Playground safety needs to be assessed on a regular basis. Discover ways to enhance the safety of your programs playground while continuing to encourage children's physical development.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmStrengthening Families from the Beginning: Introducing the New York State New Parent Kit and Website
Susan E. Perkins, Senior Associate, Early Childhood Initiatives
Now New York State babies can come with instructions. Introducing the New Parent Kit, with materials to guide parents’ ability to build a nurturing, healthy relationship with their young child. This session includes a chance to view the components of the Kit, and the new companion website, as well as inform the distribution process and content of the website.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmGuiding and Supporting School-Age Behavior
Darla Fulmer, FDC/SACC Registrar, Child Care Council of Dutchess and Putnam, Inc.
Why do children “misbehave?” Why do I have behavior problems in my classroom? In this workshop, we will discuss these questions and explore ways in which we can prevent and manage these challenges. We will look at how the physical environment and program structure can affect the children’s behavior and examine the basic program elements. By making just a few changes, it is possible to change the dynamics of your group.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmIncreasing Nutrition and Physical Activities in Your Child Care Program
Phyllis Trigg MA, RDN, CDN-Eat Well Play Hard with Day Cay Homes Nutritionist for Child Care Council of Nassau, Child Care Nassau
This workshop will address screen time reduction, improved nutrition, increased physical activity and breastfeeding promotion in childcare and the convergence of healthy living practices. Participants will learn about tools and techniques to achieve OCFS standards for promoting healthy practices in the early care and learning environment
10:30 am - 12:00 pmSTORY BOXES: Looking Beyond the Book, Thinking Inside the Box
Westchester Ballroom B
Amanda Layton Whiteman, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts
Akua Kouyate-Tate, Senior Director of Education, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts
Discover how story boxes facilitate a range of early childhood developmental domains and enhance children's learning in the classroom while utilizing a variety of learning styles and intelligences. Learn how creating a box full of found objects and a little imagination can provide dance, teatrical, and creative experiences. In this workshop, educators explore tools to enrish and extend children's literature using a form of Wolf Trap Coffee Can Theater to ingnite a way of thinking that will allow the teacher to see the book beyond the page and bring it to life with creative arts experiences.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmGetting Ready for QUALITYstarsNY: How to Prepare Your Program for Success in New York’s Quality Rating & Improvement System (QRIS)
Joyce Guimaraes, Quality Improvement Specialist, QualityStarsNY
Karin Sperb, Quality Improvement Specialist, QualityStarsNY
Wondering how to get your program ready for QUALITYstarsNY? In this session, two Quality Improvement Specialists will discuss their approaches towards preparing programs for successful Self-study and Rating experiences and leveraging existing resources for program improvement. A panel of current QUALITYstarsNY participants will add invaluable insight to the session by discussing their first-hand experiences and offering helpful strategies and “lessons learned.”
10:30 am - 12:00 pmYogapalooza with Bari Koral: How to Immediately Incorporate Yoga Into Your Classroom with Music, Beloved Activities, Tips, Tools and Creative Relaxation
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Bari Koral, Yoga, Music & Movement Specialist and Child/Family Recording Artist
A trip to the moon? Yoga with a Dancing Bear?! Discover a wonderful world of songs and activities that expose children to yoga & movement. At our session, we will turn from caterpillars into butterflies, pop like popcorn, grow from seeds into apple trees, sleep like ponies in the barn and much more. We will learn many powerful & fun breathing tools you can use everyday to help children self soothe, self regulate, relax and focus. Everyone will be encouraged to participate in the fun while we play songs that build confidence, strength, balance and coordination. We’ll end our workshop with some relaxation that help children (and adults!) recharge, improve social skills, transitions and increase emotional well-being. Guaranteed to get you moving, this fun session features music and well as open discussion.
10:30 am - 12:00 pmRelationships and the Data Cycle –Focus on Family Engagement
Westchester Ballroom C
Stefanie Straker, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Grace Nam, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
In this workshop, participants will discuss concrete strategies to build family engagement in the data cycle on an individual, classroom and program level.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmOverview of the New York State Training and Technical Assistance Professional (T-TAP) Credential
Avril Mills
Dana Benzo, Project Coordinator, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
Come to this information session on the New York State Technical Assistance Professional Credential and learn about the different endorsements available to providers of professional development. This session will give participants information on the development and evolution of this credentialing system as well as the goal of improving and assuring the quality of professional development in our state.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmA Partnership: Working with Parents of Children with Challenging Behaviors
Westchester Ballroom B
Dennis Conheady
We will look at family systems, parent expectations of the child care provider and how to develop a positive relationship with parents. You will practice what to ask, say and do at a parent conference.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmEnhancing Readiness, Pre-Writing, and Pre-Keyboarding Skills with Technology
Westchester Ballroom 6D
Diane Eldridge
Technology can be embraced and used to enhance handwriting skill development. This session identifies the importance and benefits of explicit handwriting instruction, provides multi-sensory strategies to help children build handwriting skills, and provides hands-on, developmentally appropriate teaching strategies to enhance handwriting instruction with current technology.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmArt from the Heart: Hands-On Art that Promotes Critical and Creative Thinking
John Halsted
John Funk
This workshop is a Make and Take workshop where the participants create six art projects that encourage critical and creative thinking. Participants will learn about developmentally appropriate art projects, how to set up hands-on art projects, and how art can support learning standards.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pm"Help Me to Help Myself": Fostering Independence in Early Childhood Education
William Odelle
Teresa Perez
We will discuss the Montessori approach to guiding children towards independence. We will offer strategies for teachers on how to adapt these ideals for their own programs. We will demonstrate how to use observations to guide our instruction and eliminate obstacles that may be hindering a child in achieving independence. This workshop will include video clips, pictures and group discussions.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmPowerful, Playful, Poetry
Westchester Ballroom 3A
Lynne Panagakos
Participants will engage in hands-on poetry and literacy activities to enhance their classrooms. The presentation is constructed to align with the NYS Common Core Learning Standards including but not limited to Domain 4; Communication, Language and Literacy and Part B; Reading Standards for Literature, in addition to critical thinking skills and reading strategies, all to promote both higher order thinking skills and autonomy.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmMusic in Make-Believe: Developing Creativity through Children's Stories & Folktales
Grand Ballroom North
Caroline Moore
Ingrid Ladendorf, Program Director, Summer Music Institute Director, The Diller-Quaile School of Music: Early Childhood Advisor, Rug Concerts
Marissa Curry, The Diller-Quaile School of Music: Director of the Early Childhood Program
Musical make-believe is an exciting setting for learning, and serves all developmental areas. When we enliven stories, we ignite the imagination through singing, movement and improvisation. Come celebrate the young child's natural propensity for music, by expanding your ability to facilitate collaborative, joy-filled, storytelling experiences. We will explore character, mood, movement, form, and will transform your day!
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmChildren in Temporary Housing and Early Childhood Education Programs
Robert Barttell
Jennifer Pringle
This presentation will give an overview about enrolling and serving children experiencing homelessness in early childhood education programs. It will explore: the impacts of homelessness on young children; strategies child care, Head Start, and pre-k programs can use to better connect children experiencing homelessness with early childhood programs; and collaborative strategies they can use with community partners to better support children experiencing homelessness.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmKeeping It Real in the Early Childhood Classroom: Authentic Assessment, Accountability and Achievement in a Common Core Climate
John Brundage
Aki Ohseki
In this interactive presentation, participants will critically examine the current educational climate that is pushing young children toward standardized curriculum and assessment. Discussion topics will include reimagining what achievement and accountability should be in early childhood, and collaboratively exploring strategies for keeping assessment practices (and thereby, instruction) authentic, meaningful and developmentally appropriate.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmAdvancing Racial Equity in Early Childhood Policy & Practice
Elija Budd
Megan Madison
New research on racial colorblindness, implicit bias, and microaggressions is shedding light on some of the ways well-intentioned people perpetuate social inequalities--often unconsciously. In this session, we will review this literature and then use that knowledge to develop best practices and action plans, enabling participants to better align their intentions with their impact going forward.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmGet Your Game On!
Town of Rye II
Lenny Grozier
Participants will explore the power of play-based instruction through the implementation of cooperative learning games and identify the developmental benefits for young children. Several low-cost and do-it-yourself game ideas will be made available along with tips for enhancing family partnerships in the learning journey.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmCommunicating Effectively
Westchester Ballroom 5D
Cecilia Scott-Croff
The presentation covers relationships and creating an inclusive classroom. An interactive discussion group that focuses on creating a cohesive work environment.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmMigration Studies in Preschool: A Metaphor for the Students' Journey
Westchester Ballroom 4D
Elizabeth Carlson
Autumn is a time when change is in the air for many creatures, including preschoolers. A curriculum examining animal migration can support children’s awareness of their own educational journeys. This workshop will explore the content of migration studies of monarch butterflies, humpback whales, puffins, and sea turtles and advantages offered by each.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmJazz For Young Children - The Jazzy Gingerbread Man and Other Jazzy Tales
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Louise Rogers, Music Specialist, Medical Center Nursery School
Susan Milligan, Storyteller, Medical Center Nursery School
Explore activities and techniques for teaching jazz to young children in this hands-on interactive workshop for both music and classroom teachers. Jazz basics such as scat singing, rhythmic patterns, and the blues will be introduced in this unique blending of storytelling and jazz.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmBirth-2 Certification Trends and How to Support Our Educators
Christina Cowens Gholson M. Ed, Lead Advisor Career Development Services Center, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute (PDI) / CUNY
This workshop will cover trends in Birth-2 Certification as well as some of the barriers and facilitators that educators currently face. In addition, the presentation will outline materials and strategies that support teachers seeking Birth-2 certification in New York State.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmTransition Techniques
Erin Broderick, School Age Educator, CDCCCC
Transitioning children from one activity to the next can be tricky.  Come learn some techniques to help transition your children more effectively.  Participants will learn what makes transitions successful, how to introduce transitions, and get to participate in some exciting transition activities. 
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmPlayful Explorations: Building a Foundation for Learning
Town of Rye I
Keith Pentz, National Early Childhood Specialist, Kaplan Early Learning Company
This session looks specifically at play as a strategy to facilitate and be used as a vehicle for beginning to learn any content area (STEM/STEAM - science, technology, engineering, arts, math) in the infant and toddler classroom.  In addition, the session contains lots of information on how to generally enhance brain and cognitive development in infants and toddlers.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmEmployee Handbook
Ed Gresco, Early Learning & Care Representative, CSEA
Bonnie Caldwell, Early Learning and Care Representative, CSEA
This class will help you identify the difference between an independent contractor and an employee. Participants will learn the Federal/New York rules to follow when hiring employees. Participants will gain the knowledge they need to create an employee handbook that includes employee qualifications, hiring process, pay/benefits, job responsibilities, and employee policies.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmTransitions: Time for a Change
Vicki Messina, Special Needs Consultant, Westcop
Transitions can be difficult for all involved. This training provides specific strategies and suggestions to make transitions within the classroom easier for everyone. Participants will receive handouts when they attend the training.
1:30 pm - 3:00 pmRelationships and the Data Cycle –Focus on Emergent Curriculum
Westchester Ballroom C
Eva Kovacs, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
Sarah Longwell-Stevens, Early Childhood Coach, NY Early Childhood Professional Development Institute
In this workshop, participants will discuss how to use data about the whole child to create meaningful, engaging curriculum.
3:30 pm - 4:30 pmInspiring Learning Through the Performing Arts in the Early Childhood Classroom
Westchester Ballroom 1A & 2A
Amanda Layton Whiteman, DC/MD/VA Wolf Trap Master Teaching Artist, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts
Akua Kouyate-Tate, Senior Director of Education, Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts
Discover how Wolf Trap Institute for Early Learning Through the Arts integrates the performing arts into early childhood curriculum to cultivate literacy development, creative thinking, and self-expression in young children. Participate in the process of creating child-initiated choreography through observation, discovery, and exploration of the natural world and the inherent connections to the elements of dance. Learn how New York City Wolf Trap is supporting curriculum development through interactive storytelling in New York state.