Pension and Investment Provider Awards 2015


Simply email the following to
  • Your submission
  • Your company name
  • Your name and job title
  • Your contact telephone number and email address
  • The name of the product/service


Each category will be independently judged by a panel of experts. Categories need to receive a minimum of three entries to run.

See the full List of categories >>


This year Pensions Expert will be giving an individual award to someone who made a special contribution to the industry in the past year, championed the cause of schemes and their members, or pushed forward the public discourse.

You many nominate yourself or someone else in the industry, giving examples and arguments as to why you/they deserve the award. The panel of judges, led by the editorial team, will determine the winner.


The three criteria are:

1. Performance

Maximum of 400 words plus brief tables.

For investment categories:

Performance must be shown as one, three and five-year annualised returns, net of fees, to end-2014 and results since inception. A benchmark must also be provided for the judges and all results should be presented in sterling.

All figures should also clearly show if they are from composite data (and if so, what the data are) or individual fund performance.

For the “passive global equities” category, entrants should include the total expense ratio of the chosen fund, the tracking error, and the range of strategies available.

For services categories:

Performance can be indicated through client wins, the solving of problems and performance delivery for your clients.

2. Innovation

Maximum of 400 words.

How have you innovated over the past year? What new services or options have you introduced to improve the performance of your clients’ pension schemes, to save them money or to reduce their risk?

3. Service

Maximum of 400 words.

How does your service to clients differ from your competitors? Case studies and client feedback can be used to illustrate improved service standards.


13 March 2015.

Shortlisted companies will be announced in April 2015.