Information Development World 2015

Getting to Success: Implementing a Content Strategy

Wednesday, September 30 — 9:00am-5:00pm

Rahel Anne Bailie
Content Strategy Consultant
Intentional Design Inc.

It's one thing to understand how to work with the various deliverables that form part of a content strategy. It's another thing to understand how to initiate a strategy, get it approved, and then develop the strategy itself and deliver on the implementation. 

There is as much to understand about developing and implementing a content strategy as there is to making the most of the superset of potential deliverables at your disposal. 

In this full-day workshop, participants will have the unique opportunity to work through the components of a content strategy, beginning with the pre-strategy work that accompanies the corporate impetus to develop a content strategy, through to choosing a complement of deliverables and working through them. The workshop will be fast-paced and participants are expected to maintain a high level of engagement. 

By the end of the workshop, participants will have learned: 

  • How to introduce content strategy into an organization and get management buy-in 
  • Three methods for gathering business, user, content, and delivery requirements
  • The potential range of deliverables and how to choose the right subset for a project 
  • How to get the most benefit from the basic deliverables, such as a content inventory and audit, a content quality analysis, and analytics
  • Ways to leverage strategies for search and social content within a content strategy
  • How to measure the success of the strategy

How to Register

This workshop is available for purchase separately -- as a stand-alone class (Workshop-Only Pass) -- or as part of Information Development World (All-Access Pass). See Registration/Pricing for pricing information and purchase options.


Rahel Anne Bailie is a content strategist with a skill set encompassing content management, business analysis, information architecture, and communications. She operates Intentional Design, helping clients analyze their business requirements and spectrum of content to get the right fit for their content development and management needs, and facilitates transitions to new business processes, content models, and technology implementations. Her experience gives her an intimate understanding of end-to-end processes, from requirements-gathering to implementation.

Additional Resources for Rahel Anne Bailie

Company Website and Blog

Intentional Design


The Language of Content Strategy (with Scott Abel)

Content Strategy: Connecting the Dots between Business, Brand and Benefits (with Noz Urbina)