Seeing To Learn - Kalispell

Check out what people say about Seeing To Learn, a special plant tour event for manufacturers and their allies, who support our communities, provide jobs and build our economy:

“We look forward to the chance to put our company’s decision makers together away from work. The interaction outside the office and during travel is more social and allows us to get to know each other better as well as to examine company issues from perspectives that are not conducive to meetings in the office. We especially value the opportunity to get together and discuss ideas at the end of the day in a way that is not possible back home where we go our separate ways.”

Barry Wood
Wood’s Powr-Grip, Laurel MT

You’ve enlightened us, you’ve entertained us, and you’ve motivated us. I can guarantee that we will be better leaders, better businessmen, and better manufacturers because of these kinds of events. I look forward to being here again.

Tom Spika, President & General Manager
Spika Welding & Mfg, Lewistown MT

Additional Comments on what attendees liked best from 2009 Event Survey: 

Tours were great -- thanks to all the sponsors!  great job!!  It was great to hear about the history of the companies, see their operations, and learn some of the things they changed and why.  Gives us ideas and encouragement to keep striving for excellence.

The interaction from the owners stand point and what problem solving areas we have in common. 

 Networking. I always discover new opportunities to make my company more profitable, efficient, and wiser.