When she first heard about R+F, Jena Kravitz was plenty busy as a clinical neuropsychologist, adjunct professor at Pepperdine University, private practitioner, clinical researcher, PTA president and newly single mother of four-year-old twins. She ordered the REDEFINE Regimen from a friend and after numerous people asked about her skin, she inquired about the business opportunity in order to “earn a small income for some extra shopping money.”

Her original intention wasn’t to leave her career, but she soon realized that “this business opportunity offered limitless possibilities, no ceiling to my income and the ability to do it all.” Working 25-30 hours a week, Jena is able to focus on the aspects of her career she most loves and spend more time with her kids. She has also found that the “incredibly uplifting and supportive” R+F community has enabled her to “be confident and assured.”

Jena’s greatest joy has come from watching her friends succeed by “earning an income that changes their life, setting goals bigger than ever and having the confidence to go chase them.” Her advice to new Consultants is to stay consistent, coachable and optimistic and she hopes to inspire others to dream bigger with this unconventional business.